Whaling in the Rangi: Difference between revisions

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*Teeth and chitin, along with bones, are used in weapons and armor
*Whale blood, blubber, meat, and offal are used in [[Whai Cuisine|various foodstuffs]], with the blood of these creatures holding a strong symbolic power with the Whai
*Organs of the Teuthemi Leviathans are used in [[Tahora_WhaiVak and Erinaa#Relay_Facilities|biomechanical relay facilities]] to amplify their communication technology
There are few, if any, distinct “whaling ships” of the Whai as most vessels are able to wear many hats. Weapons and tools that are used in raids and piracy have their use in whaling, and likewise for the reverse. Harpoons, tethers, nets, cloaking devices, fighter craft, and even energy and mass weapons are used to track, corral, and/or kill megafauna. Tame void fauna, such as the [[Spaceborne Fauna#Mokai|Mōkai]], of [[Teuthem]] are also utilized in several stages of the whaling process. Many stations used by the Whai do, however, focus primarily on Whaling. The station of '''[[Teuthem#Paikae|Hvalakókari]]''' in Teuthem is inhabited year-round as a homebase for whalers of the Tahora Graveyard. Hvalakókari is seen as the center of cutting-edge research into and the ranching of the local Teuthemi Leviathans. Refueling station '''[[Kuafu#Dave|Dave]]''', in the [[Kuafu]] system, likewise provides supplies and respite for whalers in the west through a network of tender ships.