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Functionally, the link enables the Whai to work efficiently and in harmony, breaking down the barriers and constraints between the diverse population of aliens and cyborgs. Integration with the neural link varies from person to person. The strength of one’s connection to the link operates on a spectrum and roughly corresponds with social roles and milieu they operate in and their proximity to the amplifying Tahora. When deeply connected to the Erinaa, or otherwise connected with the people around them, Tahora Whai will often sing together, as the system finds melody and rhythms to be a more effective medium than any form of spoken words.
The backbone of the Erinaa is the '''[[Vāk]]''', a technological marvel developed 347 Sector years before present during [[Timeline#Year_379_-_The_Great_Migration|The Great Migration]]. Creating a pseudo-telepathic connection, the Vāk imitates the poorly understood FTL signals of the Great Tahora. Personal Vāk interfaces with the network are usually incorporated into [[Tahora Whai Equipment#Cybernetics|cybernetic implants]] and [[Tahora Whai Equipment#Tattoos|functional tattoos]], but varies heavily from person to person depending on species, degree of integration, and personal preference. The appearance of Vāk cybernetics varies from species to species, is hyper-customized to the individual and can be as discrete or bombastic as suits the carrier. Blood of [[Spaceborn Megafauana|Tahora]] is also incorporated into these devices and ceremonially consumed by utilizers of the Vāk, although academic observers dispute the actual function of the blood in the network.
Some Whai consume copious amounts of Tahora meat, blubber, and blood to hopefully enhance their links, mental fortitude, and physical prowess. This practice is generally agreed to be unnecessary as only occasional ingestion of Tahora products, much lower than the average Whai diet, is believed necessary to maintain healthy and effective neural connections