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#REDIRECT [[The Crows of Maeve]]
[[Category: Starlit Court]]
[[Category: The Sidhe]]

The Crows of La Fae, the crows or blackbirds for short, are a clandestine group of operatives in the Starlit Court that officially undertake assassinations and intelligence missions outside the Starlit Court on behalf of Knightly Orders and the Castellan but also on occasion unofficially work for The Lady both outside and inside the Court. Their members are exclusively Sidhe that emerge for this specific purpose from the Unseelie Court. They are the founding group of the Office of Sihi intelligence and represent its most elite and highest ranked operatives.


The Crows were formed shortly after the Realm Sundering from several of the Sidhe that emerged during it. At first as a continuation of their service to The Lady, acting as her hands in the tenuous peace, but quickly found a place as servants of Sihi’s government as a whole. Their actions are largely shrouded in mystery as they keep little to no records of their activities and their numbers are similarly opaque although their original number was 144 and it is believed that they never exceed this in the time that followed. During times of peace and travel their numbers dwindle only to rise again in times of strive or exploration. As such the Crows have seen a flurry of activity in the days since Sihi arrived in Beacon Space.

=Method of Operation=

Most members of the Crows operate solo making use of whatever resources they can in the field. They try to build networks of funding and favors using special coins minted from infused material making them almost unforgeable. Much of their work is in this rather than in specific missions for the Starlit Court but it allows them to operate in deniability from the Court when necessary and makes their movements and motives very hard to track. It can be hard to tell if any of their actions are missions from the Court and its Knightly Orders or simply establishing their network. They gather and trade in information and undertake infiltration, extraction and assassination missions sometimes for compensation.

=The Mark of the Crow=

Special coins minted by the Crows of La Fae from bleed infused material. They are not a traditional currency but represent a boon or favor owed by the Crows and to an extent the Starlit Court. They are about an inch in diameter and a dark purple with a crow on one side and a skull on the other. The Crows use them both as rare gifts but also as membership signifiers in their underground networks. When presented to a Knight it shows that the person has been of service to Sihi and should be treated as such. When spent they can purchase a mission from the Crows or gain clemency from OSI.

=Known Members=

-Éraic Stormshadow of the Sidhe

-Blodeuyn of the Sidhe