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[[Category:Tahora Whai]]
While classically scavengers and raiders, the [[Tahora Whai]] are also have a knack for creating their own gadgets. [[Dynae|Dynaean]] technologies (and thus many Whai technologies influenced by them) by-and-large are bespoke, custom made, artisan and heirloom products. Mass-production is rare unless there is ready access to automation and abundant materials. The bones and other body parts of Tahora are typically integrated into tools, armor, and vehicles for their unique properties or to evoke the power and spirit of the great beasts. Whale bone is commonly used in spacecraft as it requires less refining and is often superior to conventional metals for use in the void. Whai tech is, however, often not made from scratch. Instead equipment is often salvaged, reclaimed, raided, stolen, and sometimes traded. A jury-rigged and scavenged ethos derived from a time of necessity pervades almost all that is found among the Whai.
Whai equipment and tools are highly personalized things. They are as often adorned and illustrated as the bodies of the Whai themselves. Personalization may include the adding and use of charms, scrimshaw, ink, paint, carvings, inlay, gemstones, knotwork, patinas, plating, etching, engraving, and embroidery. Some have commented that this practice of decoration is a way of masking its previous owner, but to the Whai it is adding a new chapter to the piece’s story and allowing its provenance to shine through rather than hide it. A highly decorated, but used and maintained, tool or device is regarded as a prized possession.
Cybernetics are an integral part of the Tahora Whai. [[Vāk and Erinaa|The Vāk]] implants are ubiquitous among the Whai, but it is nearly always the case that Whai have other augmentations and enhancements.
The nature of these cybernetics varies from species to species, and from user to user, but generally consists of some Tahora blood (or synthetic analog) and electrical components. Some alien species cybernetics are fully bio-mechanical while others are only wires and silicon. Before the Vāk, the planet Dynae was one of the sector’s preeminent cybernetics hubs. Military, industrial, and civilian cybernetic augmentations and enhancements designed for ranges of sentient bodies were widely produced on the planet. What knowledge and facilities that survived the ''Great Cataclysm'' have continued production and development with the Tahora Whai.
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* Concealed Weapons
* Other cybernetics
Visible on all Whai bodies are the characteristic tattoos of the west.
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The practice of scrapping and salvages is visible in the ships and fleets of the Tahora Whai. Repurposing and retrofitting old vessels for new uses is common, with many sector standard hulls looking nigh unrecognizable after a Whai mechanic has done their repairs and ‘improvements’. Not simply bodging disparate parts together, some technicians will incorporate biological components--typically bones and organs collected from Tahora--to augment and enhance a ship’s capabilities. Much like the tattoos of the Whai, no two crew’s ships are alike; the form and function of a Whai vessel will reflect the nature of its occupants. Nevertheless, many of the tools for pirate ships and whalers are similar enough to serve dual purposes in a pinch. The shared utility of harpoons, tethers, signature reduction (aka cloaking) devices, nets, and other munitions make discerning the intent of a Whai ship merely on sight a fraught encounter. Ship styles vary considerably from salvaged commonwealth freighters, to bespoke Tahora inspired bio-framed frigates, to jury-rigged scrap ships that can just about keep their atmosphere. Many of these vessels were built, retrofitted, assembled, or simply passed through the large dock-yards of Ulfbert Magnus over Dynae.
====Starship Styles====
* Waka:
* Waka: literally*Literally meaning “canoe” is a generic name for any whai longship. These craft are typically outfitted with tools and weapons that can be used for both whaling and piracy.
* Waka Hourua: A migratory canoe, a waka specialized in long distance travel and tracking of elusive fauna. Craft like these are said to have brought the first peoples to the Beacon and followed the Tahora to Dynae.
* Waka Hourua:
::A fleet of these ships famously discovered most of the modern Rangi (before being lost over Telas)
* Waka Hourua: *A migratory canoe, a waka specialized in long distance travel and tracking of elusive fauna. Craft like these are said to have brought the first peoples to the Beacon and followed the Tahora to Dynae.
* Dreki: "Dragon" a whai ship outfitted and armored for war. These ships are rare as the Whai typically hide under the guise of whalers or as mere opportunistic pirates when out on raids.
::**A fleet of these ships famously discovered most of the modern Rangi, (beforethey beingsuffered lostgreat losses over Telas), a surviving ship Uruao maintians their legacy.
*Ghorāb: literally meaning crow or galley, these are large longships or ’gunboats’ from the planet Puluhan. While used as a trading ship in peace time, a Ghorāb may bristle with guns and turrets.
* Dreki:
::The Black Ghorāb was a small fleet of ships gifted to the Whai by the naval forces of Puluhan after the taming of the Antaboga over the world.
* Dreki: *"Dragon" a whai ship outfitted and armored for war. These ships are rare as the Whai typically hide under the guise of whalers or as mere opportunistic pirates when out on raids.
*Ghorāb: *literally meaning crow or galley, these are large longships or ’gunboats’ from the planet Puluhan. While used as a trading ship in peace time, a Ghorāb may bristle with guns and turrets.
::**The Black Ghorāb was a small fleet of ships gifted to the Whai by the naval forces of Puluhan after the taming of the Antaboga over the world.
====Planetary Vehicles====
Atmospheric requirements and power sources are all constraints unique to each planet. However, much of the same ethos of the Dynaean scavenger is used in other Whai worlds.
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Notable Stations:
* Tinara[[Tīnarā_and_Stjarnaby#Tīnarā|Tīnarā]] - The largest station over [[Dynae]]. Built around a central spire with 5 counter-rotating rings. Rapid expansion following the cataclysm of Dynae stopped two of the habitation wings to accommodate additional living spaces.
* [[Tīnarā_and_Stjarnaby#Styarnaby|Styarnaby]] - The sister station to TinaraTīnarā, was not expanded as rapidly as TinaraTīnarā and resembles an old Dynaean station.
* [[Dynae#Ulfbert Magnus|Ulfbert Magnus]] - Dynae’s largest dockyards built out of an old military base.
* [[Dynae#Kanisthaou|Kanisthaou and Canala 6]] - The heavily populated moon of Dynae focused around the prosperous refueling station of Canala 6 at its heart.
* Hvalakokari - A whaling station over the ice giant [[Teuthem#Paikea|Paikea]], in Teuthem.
* [[Gateway#Voo 6|Voo 6]] - A deep space station built around a sealed vault.
* [[Nusantara#Karang|Karang Belt Stations]] - Little way-stations, beacons, and lighthouses to help the Whai navigate the dust, rocks, and void-snakes of Nusantara’s[[Nusantara]]’s belt.
* [[Rosebud#Polyantha|Polyantha]] - The first moon of Rosebud and a local resort.
* [[Langgan#Relic's_Harbor|Relic’s Harbor]] - Research station recently built over Langgan, has expanded into a sprawling network of neighborhoods and ‘suburbs’
* [[Kuafu#Dave|Dave]] - Refueling depot and supply hub in Kuafu. Serves as a last stop for many whalers and explorers in the west.
Terrestrial settlements follow a similar form to Whai space stations. They are typically built out of a foundational ship or prefabricated colony core but expanded in an ad-hoc fashion. [[Dynae#Geo-City-One|Geodesic City One]] on Dynae is a prime example of one of these central structures. Depending on the local conditions expansions may take the form of a warren of subterranean tunnels, scavenged structures transplanted in place, or masonry buildings using local rock. Little grand planning or elaborate schemes are created for new settlements. Instead, the growth of cities is incremental rather than revolutionary. Services and infrastructure are added when they are needed rather than aspirationally.
===Virtual Intelligences===