Tahora Whai Piracy and Raiding: Difference between revisions

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[[Category:Tahora Whai]]
:''"Piracy is just a part of life out here in Beacon Space. A fact of nature. Like the tide on planet's lucky enough to have water. Like solar flares, like meteor strikes. Like some Bleed-cursed anomaly. They're always there. Lurking in the dark like something out of your nightmares or some Old Earth fairy story. Wherever the whales are, they aren't far behind. Watching, waiting. Sometimes they come like demons, charging out the void with fire and lasers. Sometimes, the only warning you get is a shadow across your bow. But always, always, there's the chanting. A dozen voices, a hundred, but just one infernal sound flooding your comms. Once you hear it you never forget and pray you're left alive to remember. Stay out here long enough and the Whai will come for you. There's no avoiding it." ''