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===Relay Facilities===
Relay facilities to amplify and focus the natural signal of the Great Tahora within a system. Within a short range—astronomically that is: within 2-3 light seconds—Vāk communication and the Erinaa is clearer and more precise without the delays found in conventional technologies. Within a solar system, multiple facilities can extend the reach of the Erinaa, but in a limited form: stream-of-consciousness communication is impossible due to loss of detail and inevitable delays. The most impressive facilities are found at the heart of both '''''[[Dynae#Tinara|Tinara]]''''' and '''''[[Dynae#Starnaby|Starnaby]]''''', two great space stations of Dynae. There, the Tahora Whai tend to a pair of small Teuthemi Leviathans named ''Kahurangi'' and ''Anahera''. These two whales are physically connected via a mess of cables and machines in the station’s bowels which synthesize the whales’ capabilities of song to amplify signals of local Tahora Whai. This complex renderingrenders effective links throughout the [[Teuthem]] system. While most clear and detailed within orbit of Dynae, thanks to the Great Tahora, faster-than-light communication can connect individuals across the system.
Smaller facilities, found in a handful of other space stations and bases controlled by the Whai, organs of the megafauna are artificially supported and connected to hives of machines. These relay beacons help amplify and extend the range of Vāk communication to cover local space. Although theoretically possible, true instantaneous communication of extreme distances is relegated only to the megafauna themselves. Observations indicate that the Great Tahora are even able to connect with each other across interstellar distances.
The technology that can maintain this life within the detached whale organs and process the signals is large, heavy, and incredibly expensive to maintain, let alone implement. Guarded closely by the Whai, the relay facilities and tended Great Tahora are impractical to outfit aboard ships and non-permanent installations.
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