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===Bal’ipp Ahe - The Pirate Monarch===
'''''Bal’ipp Ahe''''', a famous pirate scoundrel of [[Timeline#Year_789_-_Major_Wave_of_Colonists|Early Beacon Space History]], is the most well-known Strigo in the sector. Plunderer and privateer, they assembled a massive fleet of raiders and terrorized the fledgling colonies of Beacon Space. In 650 BR, amassing an obscene amount of infamy and wealth, Bal’ipp Ahe turned their attention to Dynae. Domination of the planet was their first step towards controlling all of the sector. With a relentless blockade and surgical invasions, Bal’ipp Ahe brought the wealth and splendor of the planet into their grasp in just seven months. Secure in [[TuethemTeuthem]] space, Bal’ipp Ahe’s fleets launched an offensive on the surrounding systems. However, their reign was not to last. During the demonstration of a new weapons system, a rogue torpedo careened directly into the observation deck of the pirate's capital ship killing them and most of their high command. Power struggles between the remaining officer staff split the grand pirate fleet which eventually dissolved into feuding clans. Some believe that Bal’ipp Ahe was assassinated by one of the officers, while others believe they fired the torpedo at their high command as an act of repentance for the horror they inflicted on the people of Dynae and the sector at large. In any case, among many today Bal’ipp Ahe’s name is synonymous with a cruel and ruthless leader who pursues wealth and power with no cause but their own aggrandizement. They are remembered as the failed pirate monarch who stopped at nothing in pursuit of their shallow goals.