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[[Category: Starlit Court]]
[[Category: Religion]]
= The Starlit Path =
'''The Starlit Path''' is the name of the religion and philosophy followed by the majority of the [[Starlit Court]]'s people.
== Of the King and Foundation ==
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=== Mantra against Chaos: ===
:Existence is Chaos
:Chaos creates Confusion
:Confusion promotes Ignorance
:Ignorance leads to Suffering
:Suffering becomes Desolation
:Desolation is the End of All Things.
=== Mantra for Order: ===
:Honour is Order
:Order creates Peace
:Peace promotes Understanding
:Understanding leads to Progress
:Progress becomes Mastery
:Mastery will grant us Enlightenment
== The Paths to Enlightenment ==
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== On the subjects of Sages and Monks ==
The Starlit Path is not technically an organized religion. There is no priesthood, and no official religious hierarchy. All those who walk The Path are equal and fellow travelers. The paths that we all walk bring us to different places in life; and some dedicate themselves to the walking of The Path more intensely than others. Of particular note are Sages, and [[Starlit Monks|Monks]].
Sage is a title worn by those who have acted as and seeksseek to be a pillar of spiritual guidance or support and isare recognized for their efforts and piety. Anyone can be a Sage, from the most glorious knight. All one must do is take the title and be recognized for their actions as a Sage. There are many Sages, most of whom have a following of people who the Sage has helped through spiritual advice, and by sharing the philosophies that guide them.
A Monk on the other hand is a person who has joined an organization dedicated to advancing the spiritual understanding and progress of its members and surrounding community. Monks often cloister themselves away, living under special rules, tenants, and vows that are particular to the order they have joined. In fact, much like Knightly orders, there are no two Monastic orders that are exactly alike, or that govern other Monastic orders. Each Monastic order is an entity unto itself, that chooses its leader, sets its rules, and conducts itself according to its own internal traditions.
It is possible to be both a Monk and a Sage, taking on both titles at different stages in one’s life, or even wearing both at the same time. The titles of Monk and Sage are gender-neutral terms. The people of Sihi elect a rotating Council of Elders, shuffling in and out members at regular intervals to prevent stagnation. This Council is made up of Sages and Monks who are most respected among the people of Sihi, typically put forward by those who have the largest followings. The Council of Elders is something of an Authority on spiritual matters; collecting and maintaining a library of books pertaining to the Starlit Path, collecting sacred texts, and artifacts, and keeping the history of Sihi and its people. Perhaps due to the backing of the orders they originate from, it is often easier to join the Council of Elders for a Monk who has claimed sage-hood, than for a regular monk, or another sage, though normalordinary monks and sages still make up a significant portion of the Council of Elders. Holding a position on the Council of Elders is viewed as the ultimate recognition of one’s status as a holy man, for not only has your personal following or order acknowledged your efforts, but so has the people of Sihi as a whole.
== Rituals, Prayers and Daily Practices ==
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After the dead have entered Avalon and their deeds are done being extolled; the ritual moves to the final burial of the deceased. Funerals on Sihi typically take the form of earthen burials, so that the body of the dead can be returned to the soil from whence they came. This is important both symbolically, and because Sihi is a closed ecosystem, and maintaining the soil health is important. However, in the case where the brainscan can not be retrieved, or is rejected from Avalon, the body is interred in a crypt as a sign of respect and a means of remembrance.
Prayer takestake many forms for followers of the Starlit Path, for some it is a daily practice, something they do at all times, for others it is something that they only do on special occasions or when under specific stress.
It is common that at communal events such as various rites that the Mantras relevant to the specific rite be recited aloud and as such they have become a model for prayer for many being recited quietly in times of personal prayer. Some practitioners of the faith also pray directly to the ancestors for guidance whether extemporaneously to the air in a more spiritual expression or directed to one of the Fey that are conduits to the gestalt in Avalon for a more grounded embodiment expecting a more direct response. There are also some who consider the act of creating the products of their calling a conveyance of prayer as it is a product of their own pursuit of the path to enlightenment, this is commonly found among those who work in the forges taking shape in the production of holy symbols from the scrap materials of their work. Ultimately, all funerary rites end with a feast in the honor of those who have joined the dead.
Beyond these are the endless array of free form personal expressions of prayer that any number of those who journey on the Path might take part in. Some of these practices include; meditation sessions, general prayer, and offerings to ancestors and Fey. It is also common to leave an empty seat and place open for the High King or an unexpected guest during important meals and feasts.
=Well Known Splinter Groups=
==[[Thynk Order, Thynk Peace]]==
Thynk Order, Thynk Peace is an unofficial but widely recognized motto of a large and well-known pacifistic cultic group within the [[Starlit Court]]'s society. Although they do not officially have a name, they are often referred to by their motto.