Starlit Court History: Difference between revisions

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===The Rise of the Dominion and the [[The Dachia Crisis|Crisis over Dachia]] AoQ 545-550 ===
After seventy -five years of exploring beacon space with little to no sign of Grail, tension and unrest began to fulminate among the ranks of the Starlit court. The notion of the Grail quest came into question, with several knights devising alternate interpretations of Grail, and the quest itself. One of the more popular interpretations among these descending voices was that the entirety of Beacon space was Grail, or that, ultimately, ONEone of the planets in Beacon space was Grail; ergo it was the right and duty of the court to conquer the whole of Beacon space. The followers of these ideologies come to be known as [[The Free Dominion|The Dominionists]].
Eventually, violent Dominionist forces leadled by the renowned knight Syr Ancelot lead aan attempted coup against the Court itself, waiting until a lull in Sihi's defenses before seizing control of the station and attempting to ram it into Dachia. Ultimately, this act of destruction was to force the hand of the Starlit Court, removing their ability to move on, and accept the Dominionist interpretation of the Grail Quest. This attack was barely thwarted when a ragtag group of knights leadled by Syr Reynald who slew Syr Ancelot in single combat, causing the DominonistsDominionists to break and flee.
===Rebuilding Sihi AoQ 550 - 570===