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A change in leadership shifted the Starlit Court's focus from desperately searching for signs of “The Light” or Grail to recovering tech, growing the economy. The goal of this shift was to increase the Court's odds of survival long term, and to establish a widespread enough legend that people would come to us with information about Grail. An emphasis was placed on great deeds, acts of glory, and spreading the Court's reputation across the stars, so that the quest for the Grail would be known to many, and that perhaps someone would come forth with valuable information in exchange for the Court's services. This era was one of great heroes and mighty accomplishments, with Knights and commoners alike seeking to earn glory and renown for themselves, and the Starlit court. Camlan as we know it today is largely built during this time period, growing from an urban center to a sprawling metropolis, and numerous technologies are rediscovered and innovated upon.
===The Great March (100 - Present)===
Also known as the Renewal of the Quest, The great March was an era of renewed vigor and a second exodus aimed toward beacon space. While questing The Court recovered the data that sent us on the Grail quest. Knightly orders are ordered to tie up all loose ends, and Sihi has its course set toward Beacon space. The Court expend a great number of resources, abandon outposts, and came together for the journey to Beacon Space. The Bleed is first encountered by the Court during this period as Sihi approaches Beacon Space, leading to the emergence of Technomancy and Sorcery.
Sihi ultimately reaches Beacons Space during this time, making first contact with the various factions of Beacon Space, and the Telas Terra Group Initiative.
====[[The Dachia Crisis]]====
Seventy five years into the exploration of beacon space unrest had begun to spread within the starlit court. A movement identifying as the Dominonists, lead by Syr Ancelot, came to interpret the quest for the grail differently from the majority for the Starlit Court. The Dominionists believed in one of two interpretations of the grail quest; either that the entirety of beacon space was the grail, or that one of the worlds of beacon space was in fact grail. The logical conclusion the Domionists drew was that it was therefore the Starlit court's destiny and or duty to conquer all of beacon space and subjugate or destroy all other factions there in.