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===The Silence===
In an attempt to move the Secularist and Spirtualist split from the political scene, the Ruling Body of the court turned to the source of the strife; the Light. The Court's Leadership fed all data the Court had on the Light into La FaeMaeve, charging the Gestalt spirit with deciphering the information and putting an end to this Schism. However, when the data was transferred; La FaeMaeve went silent, and was presumed damaged or destroyed. Spiritualists saw this as an apocalyptic omen, and the Secularists an incalculable waste of an irreplaceable treasure.
===The Emergence of the Sidhe (578)===
As political trumoil broke out following the Silence; a hitherto unseen kind of Fae emerged from Castle Sihi and the Mounds inhabiting crude machines. These Fae called themselves the Sidhe, and urged the people of Sihi to remain calm, and not to come to blows. The emergence of the Sidhe had a notable calming effect, as most interpreted their arrival as a sign that La FaeMaeve and the Unseelie court had not been destored by the Silence, but ultimately their intervention only delayed the inevitable.
==The Civil War (574 - 572)==
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Numerous combatants from both sides of the conflict drop arms and rush to plug the hole in the station, eventually piling mechs into the breach. Several combatants that fire on those attempting to seal the hole have their mechs suddenly shut down, the Fae revolting against the shameful practice of their knights. Numerous Sidhe emerged, risking the battlefield to broadcast a message from Maeve demanding a cease fire. After having witnessed the near destruction of their home, and urged on by the apparent demands of Maeve, the Grandmasters issued a general cease fire order across the entirety of the Court. Several small battles were fought by forces outside of Sihi for two months after the Ceacefire was called due to lag in communications. Castle Sihi remained shut for another 4 months until all remaining orders had reported all clear signals.
Peace was officially established in a council mediated by La FaeMaeve and those who had been locked in Castle Sihi for the duration of the conflict. Numerous knights are sent off on penitence quests: dangerous but high value missions meant to redeem the knights through victory despite extreme odds or honorable death. The Grand Tourney system was established as an official place for tensions to be resolved between knightly orders to help prevent another escalation of arms like this one.
==The Crystal Men (565)==
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====The Day of Dead Suns (262)====
The court took on a quest to evacuate a civilization from their home world. While moving out of the local gravity well, Sihi was struck by the shock-wave of the star going supernova. The station and Flotilla were scattered from each other, though only suffered superficial damage as they had already entered faster than light travel by the time the shock-wave hit. La FaeMaeve and Avalon were largely intact, and Sihi was restored to full operations within a week, but numerous records, historical documents, and technical documents were corrupted and had to be rebuilt from memory. Among the data that was lost, the coordinates gained from “The Light” and the believed location of the grail were lost. It was agreed, that while valorous, and in the tradition of the court, actions and quests to save a civilization from a dying world would be barred from here on out if it put Sihi itself at risk
===The Great Meandering (249 - 150)===