Starlit Court History: Difference between revisions

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==The Lutrian War (800-799)==
While traveling through space the Court encountered a world in turmoil. Its atmosphere was polluted, disease was rampant, and it was caught in the throws of a bloody civil war. The people were oppressed, enslaved by extraplanetaryextra-planetary ruling class of slavers who lived in luxury. The Lutrian people had risen up shortly after we made contact with the planet, there is some debate if this was a simple coincidence or if our arrival was seen as an opportunity to cast off their oppressors.
The Court initially remained neutral in the face of this conflict, refusing to get involved. As the war raged, Court observers saw the courage and fighting spirit of the Lutrain people; standing up to vastly technologically superior masters despite the odds. Members of the courtCourt began to admire the Lutrians. At the same time, demands and general frictionmade withby the slave masters had strained the Court's diplomatsdiplomatic patience, and prodded the Grand Masterstheir last nervenerves.
In a unanimous vote by the Council of Elders and Grand Masters, the Startlit Court declared war on the Slaveslave masters, sitingciting numerous insults and slights toward the courtCourt, and the liberation of an oppressed people. It is to be noted, that several Grand Masters all but publicly urged Council of Elders to engage in the war to alleviate a growing sense of discontent or even boredom among court knights. With the Starlit Court joining entering the conflict, the revolution came to a sudden and abrupt end. The slave masters had grown used to slaughtering poorly armed and organized rebels, and in turn were crushed under the full mechanized might of the Knightly Orders.
The Court's intervention brought an end to three months of war, and for the remainder of the year the Court remained near the planet to negotiate peace. Impressed by their deeds on the battlefield, the Court's leadership offered the Lutrians a place aboard Sihi as full citizens and equals. Seeking a future and world that had not been destroyed by their former masters. By the end of 799 the Lutrians had either migrated aboard Sihi or constructed numerous ships to join the flotilla, joining the Starlit Court and embracing the Starlit Path.