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With the loss of the High King, the court goes into a state of mourning and grief. Eventually, the court of the High King collect themselves, and begin to form an provisional government. The Knights of the High King's Court each establish a knightly order and become its Grand Master. These Grand Masters form the first grand Council of Grandmasters as a ruling body over Sihi and the Starlit Court. The Grand Masters also appoint a Steward, to act as an arbitrator in the place of the missing High King.
===Civil Strife and Dark times EEEGM 66 - 91===
A period of civil unrest and growing tensions threatened to tear apart the Starlit court and throw Sihi into civil war and destruction.
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In a unanimous vote by the Council of Elders and Grand Masters, the Startlit Court declared war on the slave masters, citing numerous insults and slights toward the Court, and the liberation of an oppressed people. It is to be noted, that several Grand Masters all but publicly urged Council of Elders to engage in the war to alleviate a growing sense of discontent or even boredom among court knights. With the Starlit Court joining entering the conflict, the revolution came to a sudden and abrupt end. The slave masters had grown used to slaughtering poorly armed and organized rebels, and in turn were crushed under the full mechanized might of the Knightly Orders.
The Court's intervention brought an end to three months of war, and for the remainder of the year the Court remained near the planet to negotiate peace. Impressed by their deeds on the battlefield, the Court's leadership offered the Lutrians a place aboard Sihi as full citizens and equals. Seeking a future and world that had not been destroyed by their former masters. By the end of 799798 YBP (Years before present/game start) the Lutrians had either migrated aboard Sihi or constructed numerous ships to join the flotilla, joining the Starlit Court and embracing the Starlit Path.
===The Najan Adoption EE 153 - 156===
The court had entered a sector containing the planet Najaran, home to the [[People of Sihi#Najan|Najan]] people, in 643671 YBP. Najaran was an ecologically unstable world, and the situation had only been growing worse in recent history. The Najan faced constant floods and rising sea levels as Najaran's ice caps had begun to melt. Worse yet, the Najan had devolved into a state of strife and infighting. Two major factions had come to power, some seeking to wreap what they could from the flooding world and endure, the others wishing to flee to the stars and start anew in full fledged space colonies rather than the limited resource colonies the Najan were used to building.
Members of the court who saw kindred spirits within the Najan urged Court's Leadership to intervene and help the Najan just as they had the Lutrians some century and a half earlier. Many people of the Court believed there was a kinship between the Najan and the Court, both were primarily warrior cultures, and the primarily faith of the Najan resembled the Starlit Path in many ways. The Courts leadership was split on the subject for some time, some were hesitant that Najan religious beliefs, particularly the worship of the war gods Hydros, Jormanger, and Dracos (representing Deception, Victory, and Savagery respectively) would seep into practices of the Starlit path and corrupt it. Others sited that while the Najan had an extensive warrior class, that the were far more aggressive and undisciplined compared to the warrior culture of the Court.
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=The Era of Schism - 8 years=
===Encountering The Light ES 1===
In 581578 YBP, a Bright light is seen off in the distance of space, many on Sihi believe that it could be a sign from the High King that there was the location of Grail. After much debate, Sihi's heading is changed to peruse the origin of The Light.
===The Schism ES 2-5===
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=The Age of the Quests - 572 years=
===The Magmari AoQ 33-37 (565)===
In 565537 YBP, The Starlit Court encounterencountered a race of Crystalline entities which resembled humans. These Crystal Men, called the [[People of Sihi#Magmari / The Shards of Honor|Magmari]], already knew of the Path to Enlightenment and of the legacy of the High King, claiming they had been visited by him prior to the Starlit Court arriving on their homeworld. The Court is at first confused with how they could possibly know of our faith but eventually comes around to accepting one of two truths; they actually met with the High King, meaning the court was on the right and just path toward Grail, or they met a group of knights who still have yet to return to Sihi and they taught them our ways. Either way the Magmari happened to be great engineers and assist us in the repairs that would need be done after the Civil War, and were eager to join us on our journey through the stars to find the Grail.
==Wandering the Stars in search of the Light AoQ 37-470 ==
===The Age of One Thousand Quests ===
The age of One Thousand Quest is a time period marked by roughly two hundred years of politically stable time and travel for the Court as we pursued the origin of the Light and Grail. During this time the knightly orders of the Court took on countless contracts, quests and tasks for dozens of civilizations. Countless tales and legends of bold knights were forged in this time and just as many great orders were founded.
====The [[Soulburnt Swarm]] AoQ 38====
The harrowing events of the Soulburnt Swarm and the extraordinary actions of the knight Syr Nathan Kayne stand as a pivotal chapter in the annals of the Starlit Court. During this perilous encounter in AoQ 38, the Court faced a formidable threat as they ventured into an ostensibly abandoned nebula, hoping to extract valuable resources. Little did they know that the nebula harbored a bizarre infestation of energy-devouring, matter-consuming bug-like creatures. The swarm's insatiable appetite for energy and mass posed a dire peril, threatening to reach the heart of the Court, the revered Sihi itself. With only limited defenses provided by the Order of the First Forge and the Order of Preservation, the situation seemed bleak.
The Soulburnt Swarm and Syr Nathan Kayne's accidental Unsheathing exemplify the unwavering courage, sacrifice, and indomitable spirit of the knights of the Starlit Court when faced with insurmountable odds. The memory of this remarkable event continues to inspire and serves as a testament to the valor that defines the Court's legacy.
====The Day of Dead Suns AoQ 78 ====
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The Great Meandering is the common name for the century following the Day of Dead suns, in which the Court and Sihi are turn back and travel parts of space that we had already tread in search for the information we had lost on The Light and The Grail. The Great Meandering has been considered by most of the Court's historians to be a dark age due to loss of progress toward Grail and a loss of several technologies.
===[[The Tereket Wars]] AoQ 197-227===
After encountering a local hegemonic force called The Tereket Dynasties, what started out as a breach of trust during a quest quickly spiraled into a full blown war. For about six years the Starlit court enlisted the aid of sevearl smaller local factions and waged a series of campaigns against the Terket forces in their local sector. During the war Sihi came under attack twice, including one attempt to seize the station, and an attempt to destroy Sihi itself by way of an enormous plasma based super weapon. The war eventually ended in 206 AoQ, with the defeat and dismantling of the Tereket Dynasties before a period of reconstruction ending in 222 AoQ.
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After seventy-five years of exploring beacon space with little to no sign of Grail, tension and unrest began to fulminate among the ranks of the Starlit court. The notion of the Grail quest came into question, with several knights devising alternate interpretations of Grail, and the quest itself. One of the more popular interpretations among these descending voices was that the entirety of Beacon space was Grail or that, ultimately, one of the planets in Beacon space was Grail; ergo it was the right and duty of the court to conquer the whole of Beacon space. The followers of these ideologies come to be known as [[The Free Dominion|The Dominionists]].
Eventually, violent Dominionist forces led by the renowned[[Order knightof the Mourning Blade|Master of the Order of the SyrMourning AncelotBlade]] lead an attempted coup against the Court itself, waiting until a lull in Sihi's defenses before seizing control of the station and attempting to ram it into Dachia. Ultimately, this act of destruction was to force the hand of the Starlit Court, removing their ability to move on and accept the Dominionist interpretation of the Grail Quest. This attack was barely thwarted when a ragtag group of knights ledslew bythe SyrLeading Reynald who slew Syr AncelotDominionist in single combat, causing the Dominionists to break and flee.
===Rebuilding Sihi AoQ 550 - 570===
In the aftermath of the Crisis over Dachia, The Order of the First Forge and the Order of the Bright Forge Repair Sihi. The damage Sihi suffered, while repairable, was the worst damage Sihi had suffered during it's centuries long voyage. The Starlit court was forced into an era of reconstruction, as it turned its affairs toward repairing their artificial homeworld, during which the Court's economy suffered greatly, and Sihi entered a period of resection. During this time The court also banished all remaining Dominonists aboard Sihi, and began several purges and hunts for Dominonist traitors across Beacon Space.
===Second Battle of Dachia===
===Discovery of Grail===
=Age of Grail (AoG)=
===Battle of Grail World===