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Having to deal with other societies and their reliance on verbal communication leads Arne, who trades [[Whaling in the Rangi|tahora products]] with the [[Assembled Commonwealth]], relies on verbal communication with non-Whai. He limits his connection to fellow Whai and tweaks his link to assist his verbal communication. Alienating his customers with the arcane ways of the Whai is a concern for his trade.
====Oliana the Raider====
With her tribe's [[Whaling in the Rangi|hunting ground]] proving low on tahora, Oliana took to [[Tahora Whai RaigingPiracy and PiracyRaiding|raiding]]. To avoid the emotional backwash from inflicting violence on others, she tweaks the empathic settings of her neural link. Raiding is a necessity for the welfare of her tribe and the Whai, but she tunes her link so that the horrors she may inflict don’t overwhelm her. She dreams of being able to return to the more empathetic and communal nature of the Whai, but recognizes that cruelty of suffering she witnesses is unavoidable for a pirate.
====Koa the Tattooist====
Koa always had a paintbrush in hand as a child, he was gifted from a young age. He dreamt of using his skill to [[Technologies_of_the_Whai#Tattoos|tattoo]] his fellow Whai. While anyone can travel from settlement to settlement and put ink to flesh, using the blood of tahora in the ritual requires a sacrifice. Koa diminished his link to enable him to intimately work with his custom ink and prevent it from clouding his emotions while tattooing his subject. The connection he has to the Whai is reduced but it is a price he is willing to pay to work in this revered medium.
==='''Medium Integration'''===
The baseline standard for the Tahora Whai is known as Medium Integration. The majority of the population is connected at this level. In addition to a pseudo telepathic and empathic connection with other Whai, they have an innate sub-conscious understanding of the [[Teuthemi Leviathans|Great Tahora]] around them. The society of the Whai has expanded and prospered, not just survived, thanks to this link.
====Frigg the Whaler====