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For examples of a legislative-style union, look no further than [[Saxophredionics]] or [[League of Licenced Noble Caravance]] in these unions ship captains, officers, and crew have an increased participation in Union wide decisions. A common structure is a representational body for each of the three position types explained above where each debate proposes before needing at least one other group to approve the proposal for it to be accepted across the Union. These methods mean that Union wide progress can be slow due to the communication overhead however ship-based decisions often move much faster, with the latter resulting in more individualized ships than a standardized corporate interaction.
Regardless of the management style, thisUnions partmaintain of the Union helps maintainconsistent overall business strategy, inter-union cooperation agreements, and managing investments into ground and ship based assets. Some of these management groups may find themselves reporting to primary owners whose main business is not shipping related or the inverse may be true where management receives updates from heads of operation of various external divisions. Regardless of the exact management coverage the results are the same, if change is something you desire at a Union management is the place to make it happen and is sure to be filled with power politicking.
=== Planet-Side Operations ===
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No space trucker will get far in making a planet-side trade deal without supporting equipment on the planet. While any reasonably established colony is likely to provide a minimal landing spot for cargo shuttles, larger operations, such as docks for frigate class ships, require a dedicated trade port with servicing equipment available. Well established planets of Beacon Space’s average technological level are likely to support a trade port however Union managements can also provide this service through a Headquarters located on world. Varying in size from a small shop front, a full office building, or even a private city or space station these represent the ability of a Union to manage planet based assets. Given the large expense of these assets it’s no surprise that Union’s presence across Beacon Space is far more extensive than individual truckers could have established. Unified rather than competing presence on worlds have created a network which has cemented Truckers’ place within the sector.
For the grandest example of these headquarters in operation let's dive into the planet of [[Idarast]], homeworld of the [[Assembled Commonwealth]], and the largest trade hub in the sector. As a sector trade hub this world boasts a unique fact, nearly all STUs no matter the size maintain at least a shared office presence here. Why?to Welltake advantage of the vast array of contracts and interdependencies that allow the booking logistics service applications to operate are facilitated by a location where exchanging agreements and credits can take place. A headquarters enables an STU to send and receive funds on world, making the Commonwealth CURRENCY NAMECrowns a de facto standard for inter-union agreements. In addition to financial services, most diplomatic arrangements between unions occur on this world.
Headquarters can be of varying sizes from the aforementioned shared office space, to a dedicated shop front, an entire business complex, or even your very own space station. When not providing space for posh business transactions headquarters can also serve a roll of managing local businesses including asteroid mining or hydroponics providing a cheap supply of goods for Space Truckers to ferry deep into far away places.
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==== MearSkipper ====
While the original creator has been lost to time, this class of ship is the largest standard base used by Trucker companies. Few may have larger custom configurations but if you show up at a shipyard with ASSEMBLEDCommonwealth MONEYCrowns to burn and a desire to own the largest ship possible this is what you’d be sold. Capable of carrying at least 5,000,000 Trucker Standard Containers (TSCs) and/or a hangar able to support many Hauler, Falcon, and Welder class ships. Numerous external docking ports also line the ship, allowing ships to dock in less-ideal conditions. Such a capable vessel requires a minimum crew of 750, not including the crew of docked vessels, given the expectation to support a large crew of a transitory nature the MaerSkipper provides bunks for up to 2500 people and temporary berths for another 7500.
A MearSkipper class ship is often the Flagship of a Minor STU with Major STUs owning multiple across their service regions. The MearSurveyor variant optimizes space for habitation components and is often used by settlement groups looking to establish a colony on an exo-planet or moon. This variant is normally a one-time voyage with the ship becoming the origin of such a new colony.
==== Hauler ====