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==Sireing Season (Uravszak): ==
[[Kardakouk]] is a warm planet most of the time, with heat coming from volcanic activity at the planet core and absorbed in from above the crust of the planet with the endless rays of the sun of the Hela system meaning that the oceans are often warm and inviting. When the colder periods do come they are often short and intermittent. Nevertheless these times play an important role on Kardakouk both for the natural world and the social world. Sireing season refers both to the cold months as a whole and specifically the week long period at the end of the winter months where the majority of seasonal mating animals have their young hatch. After unification the week-long period of celebration came to be known as the Uravszak.
The lowered temperatures mean less activity from the wildlife and many spend the warmer seasons storing up energy for this period. As such many creatures are adapted to require less food during this period and as a result there are much fewer predators actively hunting prey. As such the periods of cold which are often a time of death on other planets are Kardakouks spring. Utilising the stored up energies creatures endeavour to find mates to reproduce during the winter months where the young offspring have a much higher chance to survive predation, which is a much higher threat to the young then the temperature changes. As such the end of the siring season, as the oceans begin to regain their natural warmth sees many pods and schools of fish, sharks, crustaceans and all other manner of fauna to have their young released into the ocean which become teeming with life. Hunters, fishermen, conservationists and tourists alike all flock to the various breeding grounds to witness these great spawnings and fresh meat is plentiful bringing a festive mood.