Sihian Burial Rites: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "Sihi is home to a diverse community of individuals from various cultures and backgrounds. One of the unique practices of the Sihian community is their approach to burial rites which is both environmentally conscious and spiritually significant. When a member of the community passes away, after the successful upload of their Sheath to Avalon, their body is prepared for burial by a team of specially trained monks. The body is wrapped in a biodegradable shroud of linen..."
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This marble sepulcher stands as an obelisk in the center of the Mausoleum, centered over the grave of a Man-at-Arms retrieved from the battle fought on the surface of Dachia. It is engraved with the following:
<div class="center" style="width:auto50%; margin-left:auto; margin-right:auto;">
Beneath this stone rests the body
Of a Sihian warrior
Unknown by name or rank
Brought from Dachia to lie among
The most illustrious of the land
And buried here on Dachia Day
In the presence of
The Castellan of Castle Sihi
Their Council of Elders
The Grandmasters of their Knights
And a vast concourse of the station-world
Thus are commemorated the many
Multitudes who during the Crisis
Gave the most that
Sentients can give life itself
For the Lady
For High King and country
For loved ones, home and Sihi
For the sacred cause of justice and
The freedom of the sector
They buried him among knights because he
Had done good on Dachia
Both toward Avalon
And toward his home