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===Notable Locations===
==== Camlann ====
''The Great City''
Before giving way to open tracts of wilderness and farmland, the great City of Camlann exists as a ring that extends throughout each of the four main Wards of Sihi, closest to Castle Sihi's Capstone. Twelve Keeps of Camlann - enormous jutting pillars that extend through the Sky and connect to an identical Keep on the opposite side, allow for rapid transport between each of the Wards, with townships and villages clustering at the base of each Keep. Great roads and railways also cut through the pastoral scenery to join each district to one another in a vast web.
==== Cairn y Bwbach ====
''The Mounds''
Scattered across the landscape are ancient structures dating back to time unknown on Sihi. These antiquated bunkers, depots, and access facilities are home to archaic automatons, built to help maintain our home. Dozens of strange autonomous robots, each one fulfilling a bevy of tasks required for the continued existence of life on Sihi, moving through access tunnels as old as Sihi itself below the soil, making sure our greenery remains lush, our water drinkable, and our air breathable, to name but a handful of their vital tasks. For unknown reasons, the autonomous Fey that sometimes are born out of the Unseelie Court usually reside here as well, some theorizing that they find peace among the machines.
====The Spear of Light ====
The Spear of Light is an enormous light tube stretching from the central tower of Castle Sihi to the island in the center of the Churning Sea. The Spear illuminates acts as an artificial sun, illuminating the wards, providing for its flora, and creating a day night cycle for its inhabitants.
====The Way Fortresses ====
''The Pillars''
Located within each of the Four Wards of the Grand Cylinder are three large evenly spaced facilities that mount enormous pillars that reach from one side of Sihi's interior to the other. These pillars intersect with the Spear of light at the center of the Cylinder along Sihi's central axis. These facilities, known collectively as the Wayfortresses, allow rapid transit from one ward to another via elevator cars that run up and down the pillars and access zero-g maintenance hubs that encircle the Spear of Light.
=== The Four Wards of the Grand Cylinder ===
==== Ward One ====
''The Silver Road''
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The Home city of the Lutrians, despite there being space in Nimuen the Lutrians preferred the moving water of the Silver road instead
==== Ward Two ====
''The Golden Valley''
The Golden Valley is directly spinward of the Golden Valley, a breathtakingly vast valley that encompasses the main portion of the Ward. Lake Viviane takes up nearly a quarter of the landmass of the Golden Valley's portion of the Great City of Camlann. All construction around Lake Viviane is limited to a low maximum height, to maintain the beauty and serenity of the Lake, which many believe to have some spiritual significance.
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The Golden Valley Points of Interest
===== Najaria =====
Formerly Fort Tintagel, though it was handed over to the Najan people once they joined the Starlit Court, with the bulk of the military populace moving to the newly constructed Realm’s Keep in the Ward.
Where the majority of Najam live in Sihi.
===== Realm’s Keep =====
The second largest defensive building on the inside of Sihi, it serves as the back up to Camlann should it fall in a battle to defend Sihi. The Keep itself is built to be able to hold 100 million refugees to keep them safe during an assault or siege. While not in use for war a full complement of defenders is always stationed here. It was built after Fort Tintagel was given to the Najan
===== Mynanth =====
Mynanth was built in the style of the old Zelvan before we merged our cultures. It is built after their fabled capital of old on Elentar. It is the city with the highest population of Zelvan although they do make a majority population in many other cities.
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The Nimuen Points of Interest
===== High King’s Pond =====
NextHigh King's pond is situated next to the largest Lake in Nimuen, Theand Highgains King’sit's Pondname isfrom namedthat after thevery same lake. ItThe area is known for its festivities; in particular a popularity for water based sports and games.
===== Lochland =====
Surrounded by the most lakes in the ward is named for this fact
Lochland is named for the numerous lakes surrounding it, and is the largest provider of seafood on Sihi outside of the Churning sea. According to local folk lore, there is a large sea monster said to swim the lakes of Lochland, but no one has ever been able to capture footage of the beast.
Besides the Churning sea is the chief producer of any seafood on Sihi
A large sea monster is said to swim the lakes but no one is able to get good sightings of the beast
The Crystal Castle
Organic crystal geode hosting a commune of Crystal Men. Not really a castle so much as it is their interpretation of our culture, and we call it as such.
Ward Four
The Black Forest