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m →‎History: driving sides
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=='''History''' ==
Puluhan’s north and south were for centuries effectively isolated from each other; thousands of kilometers of lava makes terrestrial travel impossible and caustic clouds prevent in-atmosphere transit. Distrust and suspicion grew and with the advent of suborbital space flights between the two poles and several minor wars broke out. After decades of conflicts, leaders from North and South, fearing an escalating arms race and seemingly inevitable mutually assured destruction, met on the gleaming moon of Mutiara to sign a peace treaty. The Mutiara Accords created a coalition government and structured mutual aid between the two halves of the planet. Friendly rivalries, mostly in the realm of sports, persist but the connections between north and south has alleviated most animosity.
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Despite unfavorable numbers, the Tahora Whai secured the garrison moon after less than a week of fighting. Diplomats from the whaling faction sat with Puluhanni leaders and discussed the future of Puluhan. Talks between the Whai and Puluhanni lasted six weeks, the whole time crews engaged the Antaboga in the asteroid belt allowing safe trade between the planets of the Nusantara system. Authorities agreed that a permanent Whai influence in the area was beneficial to all parties and, in appreciation for the assistance and protection, gifted the Tahora Whai a fleet of heavy gunboats. Too slow and cumbersome to outmaneuver the Antaboga, this fleet was graciously accepted by the Whai and improved with various Dynaean technologies and salvaged arms. Under the Whai, the new fleet with several promising new crewmates was launched and sent to reconnect with the rest of Beacon Space.
The division of the world survives in how the Puluhani drive. In the northern hemispehre most vechicles are left-hand drive, where as in the south they are typically right-hand drive.
===Holidays and Festivals===
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* '''Long Night Festivals ''' - Under the stars of polar night when the sun falls below the horizon for more than a day, a series of religious and civil holidays take advantage of the cooler weather for large outdoor gatherings.
* '''Equinox ''' - A biannual gathering of family and celebration of the change of the seasons. The months on either side of Equinox are the highest period of travel for Puluhanni.
**The Northern Spring Equinox and Southern Fall Equinox is also '''Unification Day''' and a memorial for those lost during the wars before the Mutiara Accords.
A barren grey rock over Puluhan that appears to shine white under the planet's thick clouds. The moon's natural surface is highly reflective and easily bounces the light of the Nusantara star.
Mutiara was the location of a pivotal treaty, '''The Mutiara Accords''', unifying the north and south of the planet. A large monument has been erected in memory of the unification. Additionally, a modest population of researchers, astronomers, and soldiers live in bases on Mutiara.
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: '''Notable Putschjunta''':
*''Iro Talon'' - Leader of the flight Armory Down
*''“Rubic”'' - Armory Down lieutenant and hoverbiker
*''Karles'' - "Merchant" in the Cell Block city on [[Kardakouk]]
==SWN Planet Tags==