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Despite their importance, these habitats are not nearly extensive enough to support the entirety of the planet’s population. With oxygen at a premium, the Syndicate carefully selects those who are pulled up the gravity well on a basis of ‘rapid aptitude acquisition’ – members of the planetary communities who show promise under observation are forcibly relocated into orbit, whether they want it or not. Even with breakneck construction schedules in low-orbit skipyards, those below continue to outpace their spacebound counterparts in terms of population growth, meaning that the Syndicate never wants for new membership.
It is, supposedly, the fate of Nueva Cuauhtémoc to one day be left abandoned, for all those below to cross the void in an eternal hunt. There is no love lost between Aguamalans and their brutal, uncaring home; while others in the sector have quested for a world to call their own, the Syndicate labors to abandon its cradle forever. Yet with every passing day, thethis ‘Empyrean Dream’fate slips further and further away, crushed under the weights of necessity and scarcity.
Approximately 300,000,000 souls call Nueva Cuauhtémoc home, while 38,000,000 individuals see the planet from above in orbit and lunar settlements. Most of the planetary population residescan inbe pressurizedfound among ‘core tower’ cities which have been constructed in massive boreholes that wind deep into the bedrock below the desert, capped off with pressurized domes and solar arrays that meet the unrelenting sun. Tens of millions live within and around each of these pits, which are clearly visible from space as yawning wounds into the earth. These spiraling urban centers are the only places down the gravity well that offer a semblance of normal life, so long as one ignores the omnipresent whine of oxygen recycling plants far above and below. Light is reflected throughout these inverted towers with complex arrays of mirrors that adjust with the passing sun, setting the vertical cityscape alight in dazzling colors – even so, natural illumination is a premium in the lower reaches of the metropolitan funnels, where bright UV lamps replace the light of Mentta. Curated parks cut between housing units in vertical swathes of greenspace which boast imported biodiversity from across the Veil.
Mining settlements and isolationist communities are more common further into the continental highlands – without the infrastructural base of tower cities, these groups simply seal themselves into existing cave networks to eke out an existence. Such sites are often willfully ignored by higher authorities, for the threat of banditry has instilled a ‘shoot first, ask never’ mindset into those who embrace such grueling lives.