Money of The Mos Republic

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Planetary Currency - Capps
Ex. 100⌭
Capps are a physical currency issued solely as coinage.

Brief History

The colony ship for Mos was never a cold-sleep carrier of its people. Pabo 8 was an apex of the people’s technology and had been provisioned with all minimal needs should its passengers reach their destination. All luxuries were the simpler forms of enrichment and entertainment, and currency as a means of trade was impractical; therefore, nonexistent.

After many generations in pursuit of the beacon, the vessel arrived in Gograpatk in the Year 760 (TTGI) and thus began the Mossian Calendar. The planet of Mos did not meet the original expectations or indications the original colonists had prepared; however, the frontiersmen onboard refused to surrender. Pabo 8 began a geostationary orbit of Mos and began construction of a space elevator to facilitate adjustment of the frosty biomes and biosphere. Over the next few decades, a technocratic colonial government formed on high with control of Pabo 8 as its power base.

The Technocrats were dissatisfied with their slow progress as time went on and sent out a signal requesting assistance to any interested business partners. As a means of paying their future investors, the Technocrats begin minting coins they termed Capps. While company towns primarily traded in unique scripts, Capps began to circulate between these companies and the Technocrats. With surprising reactivity, The Children of the Vein responded and biosphere conditioning began through means such as importation, adaptation, and cloning.

With the downfall of the Colonial Technocrats by the instigations of David B Larkspur in 128 (888 TTGI), the majority of all Capps were lost in the destruction of Pabo 8 and local possies independently scrambled to form coinage in the absence of any other organized means of trade. In time, the Combine revived the Capp as a minted and traded currency by decree of the republic.

During modern day, most individuals have a global accounting of their coinage should they desire not to carry so many physical artifacts. Any visitor or citizen would need merely to overpay or deposit their funds and display their identification card. The business would then be able to charge their global tab. Any excess is deposited to the global tab. This ostensibly grants the Republic means of greater monetary scrutiny; however, physical coinage still remains prevalent to prevent monitoring of such transactions.

Currency Chart

While lower value coins are made of less expensive materials, they fluctuate in material cost. The lowest and highest denominations of coins tend to be valued collectors items more than actual currency.

- Wooden Cooper Electrum Platinum Obsidian
Wooden 1 10 100 1000 10000
Cooper .1 1 10 100 1000
Electrum .01 .1 1 10 100
Platinum .001 .01 .1 1 10
Obsidian .0001 .001 .01 .1 1

Slug/shot: Enough for a meal, a round of drinks or a cheap place to stay. What a person usually carries with them.
Blanket: Enough to keep a person comfortable for approximately 3-6 months. It is often what a person has saved up/ hidden away.
House money: Enough to keep a household comfortable for at least a year.
Factory money: Enough to keep a fairly large business comfortable for about a year


Many people collect Capps. Due to each coin carrying different art, it is not uncommon for collectors to focus on specific artists or generations, and some famous works can be sold for far more than the coin was originally worth. It is also a famously popular way of laundering money.

Wooden Coins

The wooden coins are made of either the petrified dawnfir, a red evergreen coniferous with purple needles or the ossified heartwood, a dark deciduous tree with silicate lavender leaves and varying shades of violet core. Both woods have mutated to signal a specific bleed resonance that is easy to pick up by a meta user or specialized enchanted equipment.


The wood is harvested from special minting plantations that specialize in growing the right resonance. It is then cut into differing sizes, according to denomination, whereafter the artisan working the wood adds their own imagery to the front and back of the coin. Most artisans use a premade stamp to get through a batch, but it is not uncommon for them to add personal touches to make each coin or batch just slightly different from the previous.

When the coins are ready, they are then sent to decay lenses, where they are carefully petrified until they are able to withstand regular usage. Properly protected, the now petrified coins are shipped out to be put into circulation.


While the specific resonance of the dawnfir or heartwood is meant as a measure against counterfeiting, it is still possible by either stealing the raw resources from the plantations or getting hands on some dawnfir fircones and planting the trees in private.