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The Umbral Throne is a militant terrorist organization of Dominonists and other dangerous radical elements from throughout beacon space. The Umbral Throne are united under their founder and leader Iago of the Shadowsword, and follows his stated goal of reshaping the ideals and power of the starlit court, taking the best and most powerful aspects of the other forces of beacon space and creating a new, more powerful synthesized culture that is bound to unite and rule Beacon Space under one banner.
The Umbral throne has several notable members from outside of the Starlit Court and the Free Dominon, including mad [[Larkspur Combine|Larkspur]] lenses, [[Children of the Vein]] heretic biomancers, and at least one confirmed duo of [[Nabrene Forence Wylt]] a [[Queltl]] 'freedom fighter' and [[Meytaal'Afgryse]] his [[Tar'et]] freedom fightersbodyguard. These agents, under the leadership of Iago, have created a number of horrible [[Dominionist Mal-tech|Maltech]] devices that militant Dominonists employ, including the Toprid Bastion and the Demon Core Engine.
The Umbral Throne is one of the larger and better equipped Militant dominionist sects, but is largely a cult of personality held together by the philosophy and charisma of their leader. The Umbral throne has been a template for other militant dominonits organizations, who copy or modify their rhetoric in service to the personal goals of their own leadership, and are often considered synonymous with violent Domionist activity; something many in the free dominion have come to resent.