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Often, if the Sihian knights find members of the Gilded Knife on contract, they will pause and attempt to eradicate the opposite side, the victors continuing on the contested quest.
==The Face Cards==
The starlit court maintains a bounty on important figures within the militant Dominion. These bounties are divided up into the face cards from a standard Sihian deck of playing cards, and reflect the Starlit Court's understanding of their exiled enemies, rather than their actual direct hierarchy or rank structure.
===The Swords of Ancelot: Spades===
* Ace: Syr Benedict, Starlit Scourge
* King: Syr Judas Alfaid (M, Unclaimed)
* Queen: Syr Tristan Yussan (M, unclaimed)
* Knave: Syr Desdemona (F, unclaimed)
=== Umbral Throne: Hearts ===
* Ace: Iago of the Shadow Blade
* King: Locruzio Kazamov - former Larkspur Sorcerer, head of maltech research (M, Unclaimed)
* Queen: Shivering Excitement, Soul Bunder of the Umbrel Metastasization (?, Unclaimed)
* Knave: Syr Alphonso Pilus - note: Syr Pilus has been confirmed KIA on no less than 6 separate occasions, current status unverified after being reported among an Umbral throne raid a year after his last recorded elimination (M, claimed several times)
===Dark Triad: Clubs===
* Ace: Elenore von Bathory
* King: Gerard el’Thoran (M, unclaimed)
* Queen: Jerzal Undava (F, unclaimed)
* Knave: Syr Farain Douglass
===The Gilded Knife(The Dragon’s Maw): Diamonds===
* Ace: (Name not known to the SC) Queen Astrid Sethdragon (McAngus-Sethdragon) aka Lady Signe Marbeck - Although in allegiance with The Dark Triad, She leads the might of The Dragon’s Maw and The Guilded Knife. The Dragon’s Maw itself is made up of a larger chunk of Free Dominionists under her banner. Estimates put the group at two million plus strong, though most are simply civilians under her protection.
* King: Silas Kirian (M, unclaimed)
* Queen: Francois Monet (M, unclaimed)
* Knave: Cheshire Man