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Often, if the Sihian knights find members of the Gilded Knife on contract, they will pause and attempt to eradicate the opposite side, the victors continuing on the contested quest.
Often, if the Sihian knights find members of the Gilded Knife on contract, they will pause and attempt to eradicate the opposite side, the victors continuing on the contested quest.

==The Face Cards==
The starlit court maintains a bounty on important figures within the militant Dominion. These bounties are divided up into the face cards from a standard Sihian deck of playing cards, and reflect the Starlit Court's understanding of their exiled enemies, rather than their actual direct hierarchy or rank structure.

===The Swords of Ancelot: Spades===
* Ace: Syr Benedict, Starlit Scourge
* King: Syr Judas Alfaid (M, Unclaimed)
* Queen: Syr Tristan Yussan (M, unclaimed)
* Knave: Syr Desdemona (F, unclaimed)

=== Umbral Throne: Hearts ===
* Ace: Iago of the Shadow Blade
* King: Locruzio Kazamov - former Larkspur Sorcerer, head of maltech research (M, Unclaimed)
* Queen: Shivering Excitement, Soul Bunder of the Umbrel Metastasization (?, Unclaimed)
* Knave: Syr Alphonso Pilus - note: Syr Pilus has been confirmed KIA on no less than 6 separate occasions, current status unverified after being reported among an Umbral throne raid a year after his last recorded elimination (M, claimed several times)

===Dark Triad: Clubs===
* Ace: Elenore von Bathory
* King: Gerard el’Thoran (M, unclaimed)
* Queen: Jerzal Undava (F, unclaimed)
* Knave: Syr Farain Douglass

===The Gilded Knife(The Dragon’s Maw): Diamonds===
* Ace: (Name not known to the SC) Queen Astrid Sethdragon (McAngus-Sethdragon) aka Lady Signe Marbeck - Although in allegiance with The Dark Triad, She leads the might of The Dragon’s Maw and The Guilded Knife. The Dragon’s Maw itself is made up of a larger chunk of Free Dominionists under her banner. Estimates put the group at two million plus strong, though most are simply civilians under her protection.
* King: Silas Kirian (M, unclaimed)
* Queen: Francois Monet (M, unclaimed)
* Knave: Cheshire Man