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===[[Dominionist Mal-tech]]===
In their attempts to replicate several Starlit Court technologies using what is available to them in Beacon space, several radical groups within the Dominion have developed abhorrent, malicious technologies. This includes manipulating bleed sorcery to create alternate versions of the Sheath that allegedly rip out a dying knight's soul, a limited biological version of Avalon to store dead knights, biologically engineered host bodies, and horrific amalgamations of flesh machine and sorcery that allow non lenses to use the bleed.
==Court of the Umbral Throne==
A terrorist organization lead by former Stalit Court knights regularly recruit from Free Dominonists, the Umbral Throne were founded in the wake the Dachia Crisis by Syr Iago of the Shadowsword. Its stated goals include conquering beacon space and the dissolution and replacement of the Starlit Court.
Members of the Umbral Throne engage in criminal and mercenary activity to gather resources and steel technology and tools. Those that have had to deal with them have found that the core of the Umbral Throne are surprisingly well armed and equipped.
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===Order of the Griffon Hunts===
Since the betrayal of Ancelot during the Dachia Crisis The [[Order of the Griffon]] has had a vendetta against any and all Dominionists and are often the units called in by OSI to deal with any discovered cells and bases.
==[[Militant Dominionist Sects]]==
Since the creation of the Free Dominion there has always been a militant, violent movement taking refuge within and recruiting from the Free Dominion. These militant sects violently peruse the philosophical goals of the dominion, engage in terrorist activity, and seek to undermine the stability of the Starlit Court. The largest of these groups are The Umbral Throne, The Dark Triad, and the Swords of Ancelot.