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[[Category: Starlit Court]]
[[Category: Knightly Orders]]
Currently, there are two major Forge Orders: the Order of the Bright Forge and the Order of the First Forge. They are technically the same order, but operate very independently.
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When Mawt’s capital ship, Invento, was completed, he left Crucible with the creative engineers who wanted to join him, creating a splinter group of the same knightly Order. Mawt’s founding of the Order of the Bright Forge caused trouble as resources became harder to get as confusion reigned for a few years while each group fought to gain a steady supply of resources.
'''Cultural Notes'''
*Technically, both are the same order.
*Strong rivalry between the two sub-orders.
*Skilled / creative engineers at the First Forge are often recruited by the Order after they distinguish themselves.
*The First Forge values productivity over creativity, while the Bright Forge is the opposite.
=The Order of the First Forge=
Motto: “A society is forged.”
|title=The Order of the BrightFirst Forge=
Oaths: ".... OUR BIT... By the will of the Threefold Courts of Starlight, in the guiding light of La Fae, undaunted and inspired, we shall achieve Enlightenment and reclaim the Grail."
Motto: |motto=“A society is forged.”
|parentFaction=[[Starlit Court]]
Capital Ship: Crucible
|type=[[Knightly Orders of the Starlit Court|Knightly Order]]
|leader=Grandmaster Syr Reginald
Oaths: :".... OUR BIT... By the will of the Threefold Courts of Starlight, in the guiding light of La Fae, undaunted and inspired, we shall achieve Enlightenment and reclaim the Grail."
==Notable Knights and Squires==
Knights and Squires
===Grandmaster: Syr Reginald===
''Old Ironeyes''
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===Syr Alaric===
''Eye of the Storm, Thrice Bloodless, Guardian of the Wayward Star, Fae-Kept Commander of the Phoenix Lance''
*Originally the golden boy of the Order of the Bright Forge, piloting a mech called "Storm Djinn"
*Distinguished himself in battle on numerous occasions into his 90s
*Around 120 years old, the Stormdjinn was destroyed and Alaric was critically wounded. His squire was killed in this battle, her mech lost.
*Both Alaric and his fae, Embry, waited for a new mech to be designed to his fae's specifications and accommodate his disability (neurological - motor functions damaged).
*When the Grandmaster of the Order of the Forge, Syr Godfrey, was taking too long for his taste, Alaric pleaded with Godfrey to take the plans for his new interface to the First Forge. Grandmaster Reginald had promised to complete the system more quickly, and Alaric was desperate to get back in a mech. Godfrey agreed, and the First Forge was able to have his new mech, "Phoenix", quickly finished, but with some imperfections.
*Discovered Nimue vas Hollan in an ancient escape pod from the homeworld and took her on as his squire
*With Nimue’s help, Forge Master Reginald was able to complete a functional interface to accommodate his disability and Alaric was able to return to to active duty
===Syr James===
=The Order of the Bright Forge=
"Twilight Sentinel"
Motto: “The fire burns within all of us.”
*Distinguished himself in a recent engagement and was promoted to Knight-Captain
*Was given command of a newly minted "Sentinel" Lance, composed entirely of newly promoted Knights
===Syr Nimue vas Hollan===
Capital Ship: Inventio
*Nimue vas Hollan has designed and helped to produce her own Mech, the Starspear, which is an experimental suit which utilizes the power of the Bleed in conjunction with its Core, Fae, and technology.
*Wynd is her Fae, an VI/AI copy of her mentor’s personality, lacking many of the original memories. In many ways, he is different than modern Fae through a separation of purpose/design. He has preferences, choices, and attitude, and prefers to act socially with all around, using the Fae-knight bond primarily for private communication.
*Nimue was a prodigy of the old world, studying under Merl, a court technician under the high king, a respected advisor.
*She advocated for revolutionary policies about revolutionizing the feudal peasantry with technology and upgrades, widening a conflict between the various layers of society when such measures were blocked by various courtesans.
*In the fallout of society and after the assassination of Merl, she used revolutionary tech designed by Merl for the preservation of their research to survive the destruction of their society and planet. However, known to be a troublemaker, she was not revived from cryo and the escape pod was left closed for nearly a thousand years, until the life-support and power failed, and the pod opened and revived Nimue as a final feature.
*Nimue was greeted by Sir Alaric, offended him, then awed him with a recording of the far past. In order to protect the new revelations, he took her as a squire.
*Nimue is proficient/adept at using the Bleed, acting as a lens. The various disconnects with her fashion, actions, mannerisms, and abilities put her aside from many of her peers.
*Nimue wishes to advance technological creations, help people, and broaden her research into creating and developing stable Bleed artifacts and tools.
=The Order of the Bright Forge=
|title=The Order of the Bright Forge
|motto=“The Fire Burns Within All of Us.”
|parentFaction=[[Starlit Court]]
|type=[[Knightly Orders of the Starlit Court|Knightly Order]]
|leader=Forge Master Syr Godfrey
They create specialist mechs that are the pinnacle of luxury, a lot of the designers for the Order of the Bright Forge are seem to be a little strange and put personal effects and names in each thing they make it being mech or not, when you have a mech from the Order of the Bright Forge you call that mech by who created it instead of what order it came from.
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“The Unwoken” is the biggest and most ambitious mech ever made by the order of the forge, its titanic size has been placed on par with some of the biggest mechs the first forge currently make, with a mech this size it always has something wrong with it and therefore not deemed worthy to be given a name, the current Forge Master Godfrey has personally taken over the task, alone and is on this third rebuild after finding multiple faults.
==Notable Knights and Squires==
===Forge Master Syr Godfrey===
''Custodian of Brightest Light, Holder of Inventio, Forge Master of the Forge, Elder of the Unyielding force , The Homeward Beacon, Hermit of the Great Search, Lord of the Unending Dark, Champion of the Eighth Great Tournament''
*Older man that use to be a Grail Knight until he retired and went into the order of the Bright Forge
*Gifted in almost everything he did much to the annoyance of those who have been in the order longer then he
*One of his most famous tales in recent memory is sending Syr Reginald a letter in the middle of a class asking him to “Lick his ass”
*Currently looking for a Squire
===Heir to the Forge - Syr Typheinne===
''The Tranquil Mind, Stalwart of the Order, Survivor of the Great Odyssey, The Mystical Barrier of the Wayward Star''
*Middle age women who is emotionally void due to her over use over Metamagic
*Chosen to be heir due to her love of crafting and impressing Godfrey
*She has a Squire who specializes in anti technomagic mechs