Faction Turn Asset List: Difference between revisions

From Beacon Space
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|style="text-align:left;"|Required for purchasing or upgrading assets on a world. Cost and HP are X, where X is the number of credits spent to construct it, up to the value of the faction's max HP. Doesn't count against maximum assets. Can only be bought using the expand influence action. Damage to this asset is also dealt to a faction's hit points.
|style="text-align:left;"|Required for purchasing or upgrading assets on a planet. Cost and HP are X, where X is the number of credits spent to construct it, up to the value of the faction's max HP. Doesn't count against maximum assets. Can only be bought using the expand influence action. Damage to this asset is also dealt to a faction's hit points.

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|style="text-align:center;"|CvW, 1d4
|style="text-align:center;"|CvW, 1d4
|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, transport itself and/or any one Special Forces unit up to 2 hexes away for 1 FacCred.
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|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, Special
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, Special
|style="text-align:left;"|May attack any faction, even if they do not have any targetable assets present on a world. On a successful attack against a faction, all stealthed assets belonging to that faction on the same world as this asset are revealed.
|style="text-align:left;"|On a successful attack against a faction, all stealthed assets belonging to that faction on the same planet as this asset are revealed. May attack any faction, even if they do not have any targetable assets present on a planet.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''False Front'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''False Front'''
Line 78: Line 78:
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 1d4+1
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 1d4+1
|style="text-align:left;"|When another faction is granted permission to buy an asset on a world, this asset's owner may make a CvC check against that faction. If it succeeds, permission is withdrawn and may not be repeated until next turn.
|style="text-align:left;"|When another faction is granted permission to buy an asset on a planet, this asset's owner may make a CvC check against that faction. If it succeeds, permission is withdrawn and may not be repeated until next turn.
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|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 2d4
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 2d4
|style="text-align:left;"|Assets attacked by saboteurs (whether successful or not) cannot use any Action ability until the start of the attacking faction's next turn.
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|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 1d6+1
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 1d6+1
|style="text-align:left;"|Any attempt to attack or defend against this asset loses any bonus dice from tags.
|style="text-align:left;"|Any attempt to attack or defend against Blackmail loses any bonus dice from tags.
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|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, Special
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, Special
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, move to a planet within 1 hex away. On a successful attack, immediately reveal any other Stealthed assets on the planet. Only Special Forces assets can attack a Seductrox.
!colspan="8"|Cunning 3
!colspan="8"|Cunning 3
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|style="text-align:left;"|Stealth is a special quality that can be purchased for a Special Forces asset on the planet. A Stealthed asset cannot be directly targeted by other factions. If used to attack or defend, the asset loses Stealth. Secretive factions build all assets (even if not Special Forces) with free Stealth.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Covert Shipping'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Covert Shipping'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, can move a Special Forces asset between any two worlds within 3 hexes of this asset for 1 faccred.
|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, move a Special Forces asset between any two planets within 3 hexes of this asset for 1 FacCred.
!colspan="8"|Cunning 4
!colspan="8"|Cunning 4
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|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 2d4
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 2d4
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, this asset's owner may roll 1d6. On a 4+, gain 1 faccred.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, roll 1d6. On a 4+, gain 1 FacCred.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Vanguard Cadres'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Vanguard Cadres'''
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|style="text-align:center;"|Military Unit
|style="text-align:center;"|Military Unit
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 1d8
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 1d8*
|style="text-align:left;"|*At half health (5hp) or below, this asset attacks for 2d6 damage.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Tripwire Cells'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Tripwire Cells'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|When a stealthed asset is purchased or moved onto a planet with Tripwire cells, make an immediate CvC attack. If successful, the asset loses stealth.
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|style="text-align:left;"| As an action and 1d4 FacCreds, attach to a rival asset. Until the Seditionists no longer shares the same planet or attaches to a different asset, the rival asset cannot perform attack actions.
!colspan="8"|Cunning 5
!colspan="8"|Cunning 5
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|style="text-align:left;"|If a faction's Military Unit or Special Forces asset on the same planet as this asset would be destroyed by damage, that asset is instead set to 0 HP and made unusable until it is repaired to full strength. If the boltholes are destroyed before the asset is repaired,the asset is destroyed as well.
|style="text-align:left;"|If a faction's Military Unit or Special Forces asset on the same planet as this asset would be destroyed by damage, that asset is instead set to 0 HP and made unusable until it is repaired to full strength. If the Boltholes are destroyed before the asset is repaired, the asset is destroyed as well.
!colspan="8"|Cunning 6
!colspan="8"|Cunning 6
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|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, Special
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, Special
|style="text-align:left;"|On a successful attack against a rival faction, they cannot transport assets onto the Transport Lockdown's location without spending 1d4 FacCreds and waiting one turn.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Covert Transit Net'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Covert Transit Net'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, may move any Special Forces assets within any worlds within three hexes of this asset.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, may move any Special Forces assets between any planets within 3 hexes of this asset.
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|style="text-align:left;"|Once per turn, this asset allows the faction to reroll 1 die for an action taken on that world, or force an enemy faction to reroll 1 die on that planet. This can only be forced once per turn, no mater how many book of secrets are owned.
|style="text-align:left;"|Once per turn, this asset allows the faction to reroll 1 die for an action taken on that planet, or force an enemy faction to reroll 1 die on that planet. This can only be forced once per turn, no mater how many book of secrets are owned.
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|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, Special
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, Special
|style="text-align:left;"|Targets a rival asset. On a successful attack, the Treachery is lost, 5 FacCreds are gained, and the targeted asset switches sides to the attacker's faction.
!colspan="8"|Cunning 8
!colspan="8"|Cunning 8
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|style="text-align:left;"|Every rival Stealthed asset on the planet must succeede a Cunning vs. Cunning test at the beginning of each turn or lose stealth. The owner gains an additional die on all Cunning attacks and defenses on that planet.
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|style="text-align:center;"|FvF. 1d3+1
|style="text-align:center;"|FvF. 1d3+1
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|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, this asset can transport any one Military Unit or special forces asset, including itself, to a planet within 2 hexes of its starting location.
|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, can transport any one Military Unit or special forces asset, including itself, to a planet within 2 hexes for 2 FacCreds.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Elite Skirmishers'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Elite Skirmishers'''
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|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 2d6
|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 2d6
|style="text-align:left;"|Take 1d4 damage to the Zealots on successful attacks and on counter attacks.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Cunning Trap'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Cunning Trap'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|As an action - May move any number of force assets, including itself, to any world within 2 hexes at a cost of 1 faccred per asset.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, moves any number of Force assets, including itself, to any planet within 2 hexes at a cost of 1 FacCred per asset.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Extended Theater'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Extended Theater'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, can move any non-starship asset including itself between any two worlds within two hexes of this asset's starting location.
|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, can move any non-Starship asset including itself between 2 planets within 2 hexes of the Extended Theater for 1 FacCred.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Strike Fleet'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Strike Fleet'''
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|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 2d6
|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 2d6
|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, move up to 2 hexes away for 1 FacCred.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Postech Infantry'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Postech Infantry'''
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|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 1d8
|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 1d8
!colspan="8"|Force 5
!colspan="8"|Force 5
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|style="text-align:center;"|FvW, 1d6*
|style="text-align:center;"|FvW, 1d6*
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, this asset may move itself to a world within 2 hexes. When this asset successfully hits an enemy asset, they steal 1d4 faccreds from the target faction in addition to normal effects. This effect can occur to a faction only once per turn.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, move up to 2 hexes away. When this asset successfully hits an enemy asset, they steal 1d4 FacCreds from the target faction. This effect can occur to a faction only once per turn.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Pretech Logistics'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Pretech Logistics'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, allows purchase of one Force asset that requires up to TL5 to buy. The asset cost 1.5 times (rounded up) as many FacCreds. Only one asset may can be purchased in this manner per turn.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Psychic Assasins'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Psychic Assasins'''
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|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 2d6+2
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 2d6+2
|style="text-align:left;"|Automatically start with free Stealth when purchased.
!colspan="8"|Force 6
!colspan="8"|Force 6
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|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 2d8
|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 2d8
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Planetary Defenses'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Planetary Defenses'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|May only defend against starship assets.
|style="text-align:left;"|May only defend against Starship assets.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Gravtank Formation'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Gravtank Formation'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, any non-starship asset, including this asset, can be moved between any two worlds within 3 hexes of this asset's starting location, for 2 faccreds.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, any non-Starship asset, including this asset, can be moved between any two planets within 3 hexes of the DSL for 2 FacCreds.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Integral Protocols'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Integral Protocols'''
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|style="text-align:left;"|May only defend against cunning attacks, add an extra dice to defense rolls.
|style="text-align:left;"|May only defend against Cunning attacks, add an extra dice to defense rolls.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Space Marines'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Space Marines'''
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|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 2d8+2
|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 2d8+2
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, move to a planet within 1 hex away.
!colspan="8"|Force 8
!colspan="8"|Force 8
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|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 3d10+4
|style="text-align:center;"|FvF, 3d10+4
|style="text-align:left;"|Cost 2 additional faccreds of maintenance per turn. As an action, may move to any world within 3 hexes.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, may move up to 3 hexes away. 2 FacCred per turn maintenance cost.
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|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 1d4
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 1d4
|style="text-align:left;"|When this asset successfully attacks an enemy asset, the enemy faction loses 1 faccred if possible, which is gained by this asset's owner. This effect applies at most once per turn.
|style="text-align:left;"|On successful attacks, steal 1 FacCred (if available) from the enemy faction. This effect applies at most once per turn.
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|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, the owner of this asset may roll 1d6. On a 3+, gain 1 faccred.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, roll 1d6. On a 3+, gain 1 FacCred.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Local Investments'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Local Investments'''
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|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 1d4-1
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 1d4-1
|style="text-align:left;"|Any faction other than this asset's owner that tries to buy an asset on this world must spend an additional faccred on it. This only applies once, regardless of the number of local investments present.
|style="text-align:left;"|Rival Factions must spent 1 additional FacCred when purchasing assets on the same world as a Local Investment. This penalty only applies once, regardless of the number of local investments present.
!colspan="8"|Wealth 2
!colspan="8"|Wealth 2
Line 572: Line 572:
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 1d4
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 1d4
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, this asset can transportitself and/or any one non-force asset to a location within 2 hexes for 1 faccred.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, this asset can transport itself and/or any one non-force asset up to 2 hexes away for 1 FacCred.
Line 581: Line 581:
|style="text-align:center;"|CvW, 2d4
|style="text-align:center;"|CvW, 2d4
|style="text-align:left;"|Cannot attack or counterattack force assets
|style="text-align:left;"|Cannot attack or counterattack Force assets.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Union Toughs'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Union Toughs'''
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|style="text-align:center;"|WvF, 1d4+1
|style="text-align:center;"|WvF, 1d4+1
Line 599: Line 599:
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, moves to a planet within 2 hexes. Adds an additional die to Expand Influence actions.
!colspan="8"|Wealth 3
!colspan="8"|Wealth 3
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|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, roll 1d6: On a 1, 1 FacCred is lost. On a 2-4, 1 FacCred is gained. On a 5+ 2 FacCreds are gained. If unable to pay the lost FacCred, the Postech Industry is destroyed.
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|style="text-align:left;"|Allows assets to be purchased on a world as if it were TL4, at a +2 faccred cost (if asset would not have previously been purchasable).
|style="text-align:left;"|Allows assets to be purchased on a planet as if it were TL4, at a +2 FacCred cost (if asset would not have previously been purchasable).
Line 628: Line 628:
|style="text-align:left;"|Cost 1 faccred maintinence per turn. As an action, can move to any world within 1 hex of their starting location. Requires planetary permission to purchase.
|style="text-align:left;"| As an action, move to a planet 1 hex away. 1 FacCred per turn maintenance cost.
!colspan="8"|Wealth 4
!colspan="8"|Wealth 4
Line 639: Line 639:
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, move any number of non-Force Assets, including itself, to any planet within 2 hexes at the cost of 1 FacCred pre asset.
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|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 1d6
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 1d6
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, the owner of this asset may force one other faction with unstealthed assets on the same world as this asset to pay them 1 faccred. If that faction cannot pay, they choose one of their assets on that world to be destroyed.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, force a rival faction with unstealthed assets on the same planet to pay 1 FacCred to you. If the faction cannot pay, they choose one of their assets on that world to be destroyed.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Medical Center'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Medical Center'''
Line 657: Line 657:
|style="text-align:left;"|Once between turns, if a Special Forces or Military UNit asset on the same world as this asset was destroyed on the previous turn, the faction may pay half that asset's purchase cost to restore the destroyed asset to 1 HP. Repair asset actions on the same world as this asset cost 1 less faccred for Special Forces and Military Units.
|style="text-align:left;"|Once between turns, if a Special Forces or Military Unit asset on the same planet as this asset was destroyed on the previous turn, the faction may pay half that asset's purchase cost to restore the destroyed asset to 1 HP. Repair asset actions on the same world as this asset cost 1 less FacCred for Special Forces and Military Units.
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|style="text-align:left;"|Once per turn per bank owned - faction can ignore one cost or faccred loss imposed by another faction, regardless of where loss is imposed.
|style="text-align:left;"|Once per turn per bank owned, ignore one cost or FacCred loss imposed by another faction, regardless of where loss is imposed.
!colspan="8"|Wealth 5
!colspan="8"|Wealth 5
Line 677: Line 677:
|style="text-align:center;"|WvC, Special
|style="text-align:center;"|WvC, Special
|style="text-align:left;"|On a successful attack, the faction that was attacked chooses to either pay half the attacked asset's purchase cost rounded down, or have the asset disabled until that price is paid. This attack is special, and can target a specific asset.
|style="text-align:left;"|On a successful attack, the enemy faction must either pay half the attacked asset's purchase cost rounded down or have the asset disabled until that price is paid. This attack is special, and can target a specific asset.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Pretech Researchers'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Pretech Researchers'''
Line 686: Line 686:
|style="text-align:left;"|A planet with Pretech Researchers is treated as TL5 for purchase requirements of Cunning and Wealth Assets. 1 FacCred per turn maintenance cost.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Blockade Runners'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Blockade Runners'''
Line 695: Line 695:
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, this asset can move itself and/or any 1 military unit or special forces asset to a location within 3 hexes for a cost of 2 faccreds
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, move itself and/or any 1 Military Unit or Special Forces asset to a location up to 3 hexes away for a cost of 2 FacCreds.
!colspan="8"|Wealth 6
!colspan="8"|Wealth 6
Line 706: Line 706:
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 2d6
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 2d6
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, roll 1d8. On a 1, the asset is destroyed. On a 2-3, 1 FacCred is gained. On a 4-7, 2 FacCreds are gained. On an 8, 3 FacCreds are gained.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''R&D Department'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''R&D Department'''
Line 715: Line 715:
|style="text-align:left;"|A faction with a R&D Dept. may treat all planets as having TL4 for purchase requirements of Wealth assets.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Commodities Broker'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Commodities Broker'''
Line 724: Line 724:
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 2d8
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 2d8
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, the faction may roll 1d8, that many faccreds are subtracted from the cost of their next asset purchase, down to a minimum of half the normal price rounded down.
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, roll 1d8; that many FacCreds are subtracted from the cost of their next asset purchase, down to a minimum of half the normal price rounded down.
!colspan="8"|Wealth 7
!colspan="8"|Wealth 7
Line 735: Line 735:
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, roll 1d8; gain half that many FacCreds, rounded up.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Hostile Takeover'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Hostile Takeover'''
Line 744: Line 744:
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 2d10
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 2d10
|style="text-align:left;"|If this asset would destroy an asset with damage, that asset is reduced to 1 HP and gained by the faction who owns the hostile takeover.
|style="text-align:left;"|If the Hostile Takeover would destroy an asset with damage, that asset is instead reduced to 1 HP and transferred to the Hostile Takeover's faction.
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Transit Web'''
|style="text-align:center;"|'''Transit Web'''
Line 753: Line 753:
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 1d12
|style="text-align:center;"|CvC, 1d12
|style="text-align:left;"|As a free action, any number of non-Starship, non-Force assets may be moved between 2 planets within 3 hexes of the Transit Web for 1 FacCred per asset.
!colspan="8"|Wealth 8
!colspan="8"|Wealth 8
Line 764: Line 764:
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 2d10+4
|style="text-align:center;"|WvW, 2d10+4
|style="text-align:left;"|As an action, move up to 3 hexes away. 2 FacCred per turn maitenance cost.

Revision as of 04:54, 29 September 2021

A major component of the faction turn is the assets used by factions to interact with the board. These assets fall into three categories: Force, Wealth, and Cunning, and each of these categories is then further broken down into smaller categories, 1-8. A faction may only have assets (with a few exceptions), if they have a stat value equal to or higher than the number of the asset in that category. For example, a faction with 2 Force and 3 Cunning could have a Cunning 3 asset, but not a Force 3 asset.

The assets shown below are originally taken from the Stars Without Number RPG Ruleset, and have been modified by the Unrestricted Lorefare community through a number of community patches.

Special assets are assets that all factions have available to them, regardless of stat level

Special Assets
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Base of Influence X X 0 Special None None Required for purchasing or upgrading assets on a planet. Cost and HP are X, where X is the number of credits spent to construct it, up to the value of the faction's max HP. Doesn't count against maximum assets. Can only be bought using the expand influence action. Damage to this asset is also dealt to a faction's hit points.

Cunning Assets
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Cunning 1
Smugglers 4 2 4 Starship CvW, 1d4 None As a free action, transport itself and/or any one Special Forces unit up to 2 hexes away for 1 FacCred.
Informers 3 2 0 Special Forces CvC, Special None On a successful attack against a faction, all stealthed assets belonging to that faction on the same planet as this asset are revealed. May attack any faction, even if they do not have any targetable assets present on a planet.
False Front 2 1 0 Logistics Facility None None If another asset on the same planet as this asset, and owned by the same faction as this asset, would be destroyed, they may sacrifice this asset instead, to nullify the killing blow.
Cunning 2
Lobbyists 4 4 0 Special Forces CvC, 1d4+1 1d4 When another faction is granted permission to buy an asset on a planet, this asset's owner may make a CvC check against that faction. If it succeeds, permission is withdrawn and may not be repeated until next turn.
Saboteurs 6 5 0 Special Forces CvC, 2d4 None Assets attacked by saboteurs (whether successful or not) cannot use any Action ability until the start of the attacking faction's next turn.
Blackmail 4 4 0 Tactic CvC, 1d6+1 None Any attempt to attack or defend against Blackmail loses any bonus dice from tags.
Seductrox 4 4 0 Special Forces CvC, Special None As an action, move to a planet within 1 hex away. On a successful attack, immediately reveal any other Stealthed assets on the planet. Only Special Forces assets can attack a Seductrox.
Cunning 3
Cyberninjas 4 6 4 Special Forces CvC, 2d6 None None
Stealth - 2 0 Tactic None None Stealth is a special quality that can be purchased for a Special Forces asset on the planet. A Stealthed asset cannot be directly targeted by other factions. If used to attack or defend, the asset loses Stealth. Secretive factions build all assets (even if not Special Forces) with free Stealth.
Covert Shipping 4 8 4 Logistics Facility None None As a free action, move a Special Forces asset between any two planets within 3 hexes of this asset for 1 FacCred.
Cunning 4
Party Machine 8 8 0 Logistics Facility CvC, 2d4 1d6 As an action, roll 1d6. On a 4+, gain 1 FacCred.
Vanguard Cadres 10 8 3 Military Unit CvC, 1d8* 1d8 *At half health (5hp) or below, this asset attacks for 2d6 damage.
Tripwire Cells 8 12 4 Special Forces None 1d4 When a stealthed asset is purchased or moved onto a planet with Tripwire cells, make an immediate CvC attack. If successful, the asset loses stealth.
Seditionists 8 12 0 Special Forces None None As an action and 1d4 FacCreds, attach to a rival asset. Until the Seditionists no longer shares the same planet or attaches to a different asset, the rival asset cannot perform attack actions.
Cunning 5
Organization Moles 10 10 0 Tactic CvC, 2d6 1d6 Any attempt to attack or defend against this asset loses any bonus dice from tags.
Cracked Comms 6 14 0 Tactic None Special If this asset succeeds in defending against an attack, it can cause the attacking asset to attack itself for the normal damage and counterattack consequences.
Boltholes 6 12 4 Logistics Facility None 2d6 If a faction's Military Unit or Special Forces asset on the same planet as this asset would be destroyed by damage, that asset is instead set to 0 HP and made unusable until it is repaired to full strength. If the Boltholes are destroyed before the asset is repaired, the asset is destroyed as well.
Cunning 6
Transport Lockdown 10 20 4 Tactic CvC, Special None On a successful attack against a rival faction, they cannot transport assets onto the Transport Lockdown's location without spending 1d4 FacCreds and waiting one turn.
Covert Transit Net 15 18 4 Logistics Facility None None As an action, may move any Special Forces assets between any planets within 3 hexes of this asset.
Demagogue 10 20 0 Special Forces CvC, 2d8 1d8 All Special Forces assets on the same planet as this asset owned by the same faction gain +1 to damage rolls, this bonus is doubled for stealthed assets. Only applies once, even if multiple demagogues are present.
Cunning 7
Popular Movement 16 25 4 Tactic CvC, 2d6 1d6 Planetary asset purchase requests on the same planet as this asset are always granted.
Book of Secrets 10 20 4 Tactic None 2d8 Once per turn, this asset allows the faction to reroll 1 die for an action taken on that planet, or force an enemy faction to reroll 1 die on that planet. This can only be forced once per turn, no mater how many book of secrets are owned.
Treachery 5 10 0 Tactic CvC, Special None Targets a rival asset. On a successful attack, the Treachery is lost, 5 FacCreds are gained, and the targeted asset switches sides to the attacker's faction.
Cunning 8
Panopticon Matrix 20 30 5 Logistics Facility None 1d6 Every rival Stealthed asset on the planet must succeede a Cunning vs. Cunning test at the beginning of each turn or lose stealth. The owner gains an additional die on all Cunning attacks and defenses on that planet.

Force Assets
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Force 1
Security Personnel 3 2 0 Military Unit FvF. 1d3+1 1d4 None
Hitmen 1 2 0 Special Forces FvC, 1d6 None None
Militia Unit 4 4 3 Military Unit FvF, 1d6 1d4+1 None
Force 2
Heavy Drop Assets 6 4 4 Facility None None As a free action, can transport any one Military Unit or special forces asset, including itself, to a planet within 2 hexes for 2 FacCreds.
Elite Skirmishers 5 5 4 Military Unit FvF, 2d4 1d4+1 None
Hardened Personnel 4 4 3 Special Forces None 1d4+1 None
Guerilla Populace 6 4 0 Military Unit FvC, 1d4+1 None None
Force 3
Zealots 4 6 0 Special Forces FvF, 2d6 2d6 Take 1d4 damage to the Zealots on successful attacks and on counter attacks.
Cunning Trap 2 5 0 Tactic None 1d6+3 None
Counterintel Unit 4 6 4 Special Forces CvC, 1d4+1 1d6 None
Force 4
Beachhead Landers 10 10 4 Facility None None As an action, moves any number of Force assets, including itself, to any planet within 2 hexes at a cost of 1 FacCred per asset.
Extended Theater 10 10 4 Facility None None As a free action, can move any non-Starship asset including itself between 2 planets within 2 hexes of the Extended Theater for 1 FacCred.
Strike Fleet 8 12 4 Starship FvF, 2d6 1d8 As a free action, move up to 2 hexes away for 1 FacCred.
Postech Infantry 12 8 4 Military Unit FvF, 1d8 1d8 None
Force 5
Blockade Fleet 8 10 4 Starship FvW, 1d6* None As an action, move up to 2 hexes away. When this asset successfully hits an enemy asset, they steal 1d4 FacCreds from the target faction. This effect can occur to a faction only once per turn.
Pretech Logistics 6 14 0 Facility None None As an action, allows purchase of one Force asset that requires up to TL5 to buy. The asset cost 1.5 times (rounded up) as many FacCreds. Only one asset may can be purchased in this manner per turn.
Psychic Assasins 4 12 4 Special Forces CvC, 2d6+2 None Automatically start with free Stealth when purchased.
Force 6
Pretech Infantry 16 20 5 Military Unit FvF, 2d8 2d8+2 None
Planetary Defenses 20 18 4 Facility None 2d6+6 May only defend against Starship assets.
Gravtank Formation 14 25 4 Military Unit FvF, 2d10+4 1d10 None
Force 7
Deep Strike Landers 10 25 4 Facility None None As an action, any non-Starship asset, including this asset, can be moved between any two planets within 3 hexes of the DSL for 2 FacCreds.
Integral Protocols 10 20 5 Facility None 2d8+2 May only defend against Cunning attacks, add an extra dice to defense rolls.
Space Marines 16 30 4 Military Unit FvF, 2d8+2 2d8 As an action, move to a planet within 1 hex away.
Force 8
Capital Fleet 30 40 4 Starship FvF, 3d10+4 3d8 As an action, may move up to 3 hexes away. 2 FacCred per turn maintenance cost.

Wealth Assets
Asset HP Cost TL Type Attack Counter Ability
Wealth 1
Franchise 3 2 2 Facility WvW, 1d4 1d4-1 On successful attacks, steal 1 FacCred (if available) from the enemy faction. This effect applies at most once per turn.
Harvesters 4 2 0 Facility None 1d4 As an action, roll 1d6. On a 3+, gain 1 FacCred.
Local Investments 2 1 2 Facility WvW, 1d4-1 None Rival Factions must spent 1 additional FacCred when purchasing assets on the same world as a Local Investment. This penalty only applies once, regardless of the number of local investments present.
Wealth 2
Freighter Contract 4 5 4 Starship WvW, 1d4 None As an action, this asset can transport itself and/or any one non-force asset up to 2 hexes away for 1 FacCred.
Lawyers 4 6 0 Special Forces CvW, 2d4 1d6 Cannot attack or counterattack Force assets.
Union Toughs 6 4 0 Military Unit WvF, 1d4+1 1d4 None
Surveyors 4 4 4 Special Forces None 1d4 As an action, moves to a planet within 2 hexes. Adds an additional die to Expand Influence actions.
Wealth 3
Postech Industry 4 8 4 Facility None 1d4 As an action, roll 1d6: On a 1, 1 FacCred is lost. On a 2-4, 1 FacCred is gained. On a 5+ 2 FacCreds are gained. If unable to pay the lost FacCred, the Postech Industry is destroyed.
Laboratory 4 6 0 Facility None None Allows assets to be purchased on a planet as if it were TL4, at a +2 FacCred cost (if asset would not have previously been purchasable).
Mercenaries 6 8 4 Military Unit WvF,2d4+2 1d6 As an action, move to a planet 1 hex away. 1 FacCred per turn maintenance cost.
Wealth 4
Shipping Combine 10 10 4 Facility None 1d6 As an action, move any number of non-Force Assets, including itself, to any planet within 2 hexes at the cost of 1 FacCred pre asset.
Monopoly 12 8 3 Facility WvW, 1d6 1d6 As an action, force a rival faction with unstealthed assets on the same planet to pay 1 FacCred to you. If the faction cannot pay, they choose one of their assets on that world to be destroyed.
Medical Center 8 12 4 Facility None None Once between turns, if a Special Forces or Military Unit asset on the same planet as this asset was destroyed on the previous turn, the faction may pay half that asset's purchase cost to restore the destroyed asset to 1 HP. Repair asset actions on the same world as this asset cost 1 less FacCred for Special Forces and Military Units.
Bank 8 12 3 Facility None None Once per turn per bank owned, ignore one cost or FacCred loss imposed by another faction, regardless of where loss is imposed.
Wealth 5
Marketers 8 10 0 Tactic WvC, Special None On a successful attack, the enemy faction must either pay half the attacked asset's purchase cost rounded down or have the asset disabled until that price is paid. This attack is special, and can target a specific asset.
Pretech Researchers 6 14 4 Special Forces None None A planet with Pretech Researchers is treated as TL5 for purchase requirements of Cunning and Wealth Assets. 1 FacCred per turn maintenance cost.
Blockade Runners 6 12 4 Starship None 2d4 As an action, move itself and/or any 1 Military Unit or Special Forces asset to a location up to 3 hexes away for a cost of 2 FacCreds.
Wealth 6
Venture Capital 10 15 4 Facility WvW, 2d6 1d6 As an action, roll 1d8. On a 1, the asset is destroyed. On a 2-3, 1 FacCred is gained. On a 4-7, 2 FacCreds are gained. On an 8, 3 FacCreds are gained.
R&D Department 15 18 4 Facility None None A faction with a R&D Dept. may treat all planets as having TL4 for purchase requirements of Wealth assets.
Commodities Broker 10 20 0 Special Forces WvW, 2d8 1d8 As an action, roll 1d8; that many FacCreds are subtracted from the cost of their next asset purchase, down to a minimum of half the normal price rounded down.
Wealth 7
Pretech Manufactory 16 25 5 Facility None None As an action, roll 1d8; gain half that many FacCreds, rounded up.
Hostile Takeover 10 20 4 Tactic WvW, 2d10 2d8 If the Hostile Takeover would destroy an asset with damage, that asset is instead reduced to 1 HP and transferred to the Hostile Takeover's faction.
Transit Web 5 15 5 Facility CvC, 1d12 None As a free action, any number of non-Starship, non-Force assets may be moved between 2 planets within 3 hexes of the Transit Web for 1 FacCred per asset.
Wealth 8
Scavenger Fleet 20 30 5 Starship WvW, 2d10+4 2d10 As an action, move up to 3 hexes away. 2 FacCred per turn maitenance cost.

Resources: Stars Without Number RPG Ruleset