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Flora and Fauna and Biomes and More
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:'''Tower-Building Termites''' - In former forests, one can find the signature dirt pillars of termite mounds. The bugs build these tall structures as they breakdown and consume the surrounding flora. Once the termites deplete the local area of food, they move on to the next grove leaving an empty tower behind. Over the years, surviving colonies have shifted away from a purely wood-based diet and expanded to include the limited grasses available to them
The ancient sands of '''''Koraha Desert''' and '''''Taukau Desert''''' are home to several well adapted creatures and plants. With much of the planet turned to badlands several species native to the desert have flourished in other inhospitable places.
:'''Dortoka'' - Also known as ''The Homesteader'', the Dortoka are related to tortoises. A slow mover, the dortoka rests during wind storms and the midday heat, hunkering down in the dirt exposing only its boulder-like back. They are famed for how long they can persist in harsh conditions without food or water. Dorktoka durable exoskeletons are prized by survivalists as makeshift hovels to escape the elements.