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→‎Atmospheric Terraforming: Just 6 months later and I've got it on the wiki.
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===Atmospheric Terraforming===
===Atmospheric Terraforming===
TBD, ''completed via Map Modification on Turn 18''
::''completed via Map Modification on Turn 18''
With the technologies and methods developed and implemented in the terraforming of [[Telas]], the Tahora Whai dedicated their resources to reverse many of the symptoms of the devastation of Dynae. The lessons of Telas and discoveries from the newly explored systems of the ''[[Kikorangi o te Tahora Whai]]'' provided scientists with the means to improve the blasted atmosphere. And while the surface of the planet remains a harsh wasteland in many respects–salt flats, deserts, and badlands make large swaths of the planet mostly forsaken–the advancements have increased the habitability and opened up newly arable lands.
====Atmospheric Scrubbers====
Large filtration systems established near population centers draw the wind into large ducts to be cleaned. Cyclonic separators drop out dust and other fine particulates from the air which is then treated with chemical conditioners to soften the output. The resultant air is suitable for many species but it remains encouraged to have a breather on hand lest a dust storm or mechanical failure comes in. Wearing respirators and masks is still commonplace among the surface population and will remain an entrenched cultural signifier for the group.
====Green Belts and Soil Revitalization====
Around terrestrial settlements, the Tahora Whai have introduced a new engineered plant species inspired by the algae ubiquitous on the western world Puluhan. Not as immiscible as the parent species, this Dynaean plant is just as hardy and able to survive in the dry conditions. Whai scientists have also focused traits to enzymatically break down corrosive compounds and fix the inert byproducts into the soil in a process of biosequestration. After a few seasons of regular tiling and maintenance, the soils are stable enough to introduce basic grasses and cover crops to further enrich the soil for agricultural potential. These plants further clean the air and hold onto the soil with their root systems, preventing sandstorms and dust bowls from accelerating catastrophically.

Centuries of soil free farming and looted rations have solidified the [[Whai Cuisine|diet of Dynaeans]]. Terrestrial agriculture was for a long time limited to the microclimate of '''Hōkūpa'a Plateau''' and was in many ways a lost art. While several aeroponics and aquaculture facilities provided staples to the people, they are costly to maintain and only a bandage for the food crisis. Instruction on how to develop soils, plan out farms, and general crop cultivation is underway across the planet. Seeds vaults are opening once more to return the planet to its former glory although many cling to the canned comfort foods and potted meat over fresh produce.
====Water and Cloud Seeding====
The skies of Dynae are full of invisible dangers such as caustic rain and aerosolized salts since the great cataclysm. However, recent attempts to introduce chemical agents into the atmosphere to neutralize volatile compounds have had a positive secondary effect. Not only do the conditioners make the air more miscible, but they can be used to induce rain clouds to form. Taking measures of the wind currents and natural pressure systems, Dynaeans can coax the rains to fill reservoirs, irrigate fields, and bring life back to desert valleys.

New sources of fresh water allow resettlement of the surface outside of the few available wells and springs. Routes that deliver water to isolated communities have expanded and deliveries have become more regular to meet the increased demand imposed by planetary development. But to many surface dwellers the crisp taste of a cup from a star-ship style water recycler (such as the ubiquitous Hydrogenator 4000) is preferable to the new sources that were historically polluted.

===Surviving Biosphere===
===Surviving Biosphere===