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|pgov=[[Tahora Whai]]

Revision as of 17:35, 15 June 2021

Government Tahora Whai
System Teuthem
Tech Level TL4
Population Millions
Atmosphere Corrosive and Invasive
Biosphere Hybrid
Temperature Temperate
Planet Tag 1 Badlands
Planet Tag 2 Hatred

Basic description of the planet and any notable features.





Tolon 5

Orbital Ruin

  • Military Quarantine Enforcers
  • Meddling with strange tech

Canala 6

Refueling Station

  • Extortionate corporate minions
  • Deep-space alien signal

Planet Tags


Whatever the original climate and atmosphere type, something horrible happened to this world. Biological, chemical, or nanotechnical weaponry has reduced it to a wretched hellscape. Some local life might still be able to survive on its blasted surface, usually at some dire cost in health or humanity.


  • Mutated badlands fauna
  • Desperate local
  • Badlands raider chief


  • Native desperately wishing to escape the world
  • Scientist researching ecological repair methods
  • Ruin scavenger


  • Radioactivity
  • Bioweapon traces
  • Broken terrain
  • Sudden local plague


  • Maltech research core
  • Functional pretech weaponry
  • An uncontaminated well


  • Untouched oasis
  • Ruined city
  • Salt flat


For whatever reason, this world’s populace has a burning hatred for the inhabitants of a neighboring system. Perhaps this world was colonized by exiles, or there was a recent interstellar war, or ideas of racial or religious superiority have fanned the hatred. Regardless of the cause, the locals view their neighbors and any sympathizers with loathing.


  • Native convinced that the offworlders are agents of Them
  • Cynical politician in need of scapegoats


  • Intelligence agent needing catspaws
  • Documentary producers needing “an inside look”
  • Unlucky offworlder from the hated system


  • The characters are wearing or using items from the hated world
  • The characters are known to have done business there
  • The characters “look like” the hated others


  • Proof of Their evildoing
  • Reward for turning in enemy agents
  • Relic stolen by Them years ago


  • War crimes museum
  • Atrocity site
  • Captured and decommissioned spaceship kept as a trophy

Notable Locations

A place for notable locations on the planet to be listed and described, potentially linking to a more detailed page. For example faction bases of influence, cities, spaceports, etc.

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