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'''Dynaean Species'''
The rich history of Dynae incorporates centuries of discovery and migration of various peoples.
A slender scaled species with vestigial wings. Brax populations on Dynae were decimated during the planet’s countless civil wars. The final death knell for the Brax almost came with the Great Cataclysm, but a meager population managed to settle in orbit just prior to the attack.
A cephalopod-like species of alien who claim the first discovery of Dynae when [[Timeline#Year_918_-_First_Instance_of_Gate_Travel|the Gates were first opened]]. Their name comes from the first humans who observed the dished facial-disks in the Strigo’s head as similar to that of owls and strigiformes. Strigo have exceptional hearing, lithe tentacles well-adapted for microgravity, and a tonal whistle-language.
Heavy-set scaly species of reptilian aliens who arrived on Dyane during [[Timeline#Year_789_-_Major_Wave_of_Colonists|The Age of Colonization]]. With deep gravelly voices, they are able to speak most languages and have immense respect for the mores of community and social roles.
Small crustacean-like aliens, Brigan communicate through a sign-language but often prefer to link via the Vāk. Brigan history is hard to pin down, some sources indicate that they came to Dyane with the [[#Strigo|Strigo]] hidden aboard their ships. They form close bonds with childhood friends and often perch on the shoulders of fellow Whai.
Heavy-set scaly species of reptilian aliens who arrived on Dyane during [[Timeline#Year_789_-_Major_Wave_of_Colonists|The Age of Colonization]]. With deep gravelly voices, they are able to speak most languages and have immense respect for the mores of community and social roles.
Perhaps the most populous group of Whai, Humans arrived in Dynae at much the same time as they did elsewhere in the sector, cerca [[Timeline#Year_654_-_Humans_Arrive|645]] Sector Reckoning . Upon their arrival, the human colonies decided to adopt a constructed language (based on Maori and other Polynesian languages) with limited phonemes to teach to the local Dynaeans. The Humans of Dynae were not from any one location but carried many influences from Oceania into the culture of the planet.
A cephalopod-like species of alien who claim the first discovery of Dynae when [[Timeline#Year_918_-_First_Instance_of_Gate_Travel|the Gates were first opened]]. Their name comes from the first humans who observed the dished facial-disks in the Strigo’s head as similar to that of owls and strigiformes. Strigo have exceptional hearing, lithe tentacles well-adapted for microgravity, and a tonal whistle-language.
A slender scaled species with vestigial wings. Brax populations on Dynae were decimated during the planet’s countless civil wars. The final death knell for the Brax almost came with the Great Cataclysm, but a meager population managed to settle in orbit just prior to the attack.
===''Dynaean Survivors''===
Although not a distinct species, the rugged survivors of Dynae’s great cataclysm are often regarded as a coherent entity. Amidst the wasted surface and badlands, several generations of people have eked out a living in the shifting sands and inhospitable atmosphere. Estimates of the population varies, but most scholars assume that only a fraction have adopted the link.