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[[Category: Tahora Whai]]
[[Category: Teuthem]]
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|Tech Level=TL4
|atmosphere=Breathable Mix (formerly Corrosive and Invasive)
|mechanicaltag=+1 FC
The planet '''Dynae''' (/dɪˈneɪ/) in the 0609 [[Teuthem]] system is the home world of the [[Tahora Whai]]. Once a beacon of life and biodiversity, a great calamity befell the planet and today it is a shadow of its former glory. Several million inhabitants, both alien and human, live on and around the planet. HarshFor three hundred years, the atmosphere was rendered inhospitable to common life by harsh compounds released into the air during '''''The Great Cataclysm'''''. renderedRecent mostterraforming ofefforts have begun to stabilize and clean up the atmosphereair, inhospitablebut tolarge commonsalt lifeflats, deserts, and dead biomes are constant reminders of the tragic event.
The planet '''Dynae''' (/dɪˈneɪ/) in the 0609 [[Teuthem]] system is the home world of the [[Tahora Whai]]. Once a beacon of life and biodiversity, a great calamity befell the planet and today it is a shadow of its former glory. Several million inhabitants, both alien and human, live on and around the planet. Harsh compounds released into the air during '''''The Great Cataclysm''''' rendered most of the atmosphere inhospitable to common life and are constant reminders of the tragic event.
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Dynae’s water cycle was radically upset by the Great Cataclysm. Across the various climate zones of the planet, droughts followed by acidic rain gave a one-two punch decimating the flora. Many lakes and inland seas dried up over the subsequent decades leaving behind vast salt-flats and featureless plains. Where rain still fell, erosion and landslides erased much of the infrastructure of the Dynaean civilization, isolating the surviving population. Clean water is a rare commodity as rainwater requires exhaustive purification, many glaciers on the planet have thick layers of contaminated snow and ice, and the violent explosions and shock during the calamity created fissures in the rock that allowed poisonous salts into many underground reservoirs. Surface water, for the most part, is beyond practically salvageable with local technology.
===Atmospheric Terraforming===
With the technologies and methods developed and implemented in the [[Telas TerraGroup Initiative|terraforming]] of [[Telas]], the Tahora Whai dedicated their resources to reverse many of the symptoms of the devastation of Dynae. The lessons of Telas and discoveries from the newly explored systems of the [[Kikorangi o te Tahora Whai]] provided scientists with the means to improve the blasted atmosphere. And while the surface of the planet remains a harsh wasteland in many respects–salt flats, deserts, and badlands make large swaths of the planet mostly forsaken–the advancements have increased the habitability and opened up newly arable lands.
====Atmospheric Scrubbers====
Large filtration systems established near population centers draw the wind into large ducts to be cleaned. Cyclonic separators drop out dust and other fine particulates from the air which is then treated with chemical conditioners to soften the output. The resultant air is suitable for many species but it remains encouraged to have a breather on hand lest a dust storm or mechanical failure comes in. Wearing respirators and masks is still commonplace among the surface population and will remain an entrenched cultural signifier for the group.
====Green Belts and Soil Revitalization====
Around terrestrial settlements, the Tahora Whai have introduced a new engineered plant species inspired by the algae ubiquitous on the western world [[Puluhan]]. Not as immiscible as the parent species, this Dynaean plant is just as hardy and able to survive in the dry conditions. Whai scientists have also focused traits to enzymatically break down corrosive compounds and fix the inert byproducts into the soil in a process of biosequestration. After a few seasons of regular tiling and maintenance, the soils are stable enough to introduce basic grasses and cover crops to further enrich the soil for agricultural potential. These plants further clean the air and hold onto the soil with their root systems, preventing sandstorms and dust bowls from accelerating catastrophically.
Centuries of soil free farming and looted rations have solidified the [[Whai Cuisine|diet of Dynaeans]]. Terrestrial agriculture was for a long time limited to the micro climate of Hōkūpa'a plateau and was in many ways a lost art. While several aeroponics and aquaculture facilities provided staples to the people, they are costly to maintain and only a bandage for the food crisis. Instruction on how to develop soils, plan out farms, and general crop cultivation is underway across the planet. Seeds vaults are opening once more to return the planet to its former glory although many cling to the canned comfort foods and potted meat over fresh produce.
====Water and Cloud Seeding====
The skies of Dynae are full of invisible dangers such as caustic rain and aerosolized salts since the great cataclysm. However, recent attempts to introduce chemical agents into the atmosphere to neutralize volatile compounds have had a positive secondary effect. Not only do the conditioners make the air more miscible, but they can be used to induce rain clouds to form. Taking measures of the wind currents and natural pressure systems, Dynaeans can coax the rains to fill reservoirs, irrigate fields, and bring life back to desert valleys.
New sources of fresh water allow resettlement of the surface outside of the few available wells and springs. Routes that deliver water to isolated communities have expanded and deliveries have become more regular to meet the increased demand imposed by planetary development. But to many surface dwellers the crisp taste of a cup from a star-ship style water recycler (such as the ubiquitous Hydrogenator 4000) is preferable to the new sources that were historically polluted.
:: On Turn 18, Tahora Whai completed a Revise Charts action to change the local atmosphere from Corrosive and Invasive to Breathable.
===Surviving Biosphere===
The planet and it's species were devastated by the cataclysm but in the corners of the world, many species found niches and persisted despite all odds.
Flora and Fauna of Dynae TBD
See More: [[Flora and Fauna of Dynae TBD]]
==People of Dynae==
'''Dynaean Species'''
The rich history of Dynae incorporates centuries of discovery and migration of various peoples.
A slender scaled species with vestigial wings. Brax populations on Dynae were decimated during the planet’s countless civil wars. The final death knell for the Brax almost came with the Great Cataclysm, but a meager population managed to settle in orbit just prior to the attack.
A cephalopod-like species of alien who claim the first discovery of Dynae when [[Timeline#Year_918_-_First_Instance_of_Gate_Travel|the Gates were first opened]]. Their name comes from the first humans who observed the dished facial-disks in the Strigo’s head as similar to that of owls and strigiformes. Strigo have exceptional hearing, lithe tentacles well-adapted for microgravity, and a tonal whistle-language.
Heavy-set scaly species of reptilian aliens who arrived on Dyane during [[Timeline#Year_789_-_Major_Wave_of_Colonists|The Age of Colonization]]. With deep gravelly voices, they are able to speak most languages and have immense respect for the mores of community and social roles.
Small crustacean-like aliens, Brigan communicate through a sign-language but often prefer to link via the Vāk. Brigan history is hard to pin down, some sources indicate that they came to Dyane with the [[#Strigo|Strigo]] hidden aboard their ships. They form close bonds with childhood friends and often perch on the shoulders of fellow Whai.
Heavy-set scaly species of reptilian aliens who arrived on Dyane during [[Timeline#Year_789_-_Major_Wave_of_Colonists|The Age of Colonization]]. With deep gravelly voices, they are able to speak most languages and have immense respect for the mores of community and social roles.
Perhaps the most populous group of Whai, Humans arrived in Dynae at much the same time as they did elsewhere in the sector, cerca [[Timeline#Year_654_-_Humans_Arrive|645]] Sector Reckoning . Upon their arrival, the human colonies decided to adopt a constructed language (based on Maori and other Polynesian languages) with limited phonemes to teach to the local Dynaeans. The Humans of Dynae were not from any one location but carried many influences from Oceania into the culture of the planet.
A cephalopod-like species of alien who claim the first discovery of Dynae when [[Timeline#Year_918_-_First_Instance_of_Gate_Travel|the Gates were first opened]]. Their name comes from the first humans who observed the dished facial-disks in the Strigo’s head as similar to that of owls and strigiformes. Strigo have exceptional hearing, lithe tentacles well-adapted for microgravity, and a tonal whistle-language.
A slender scaled species with vestigial wings. Brax populations on Dynae were decimated during the planet’s countless civil wars. The final death knell for the Brax almost came with the Great Cataclysm, but a meager population managed to settle in orbit just prior to the attack.
===''Dynaean Survivors''===
Although not a distinct species, the rugged survivors of Dynae’s great cataclysm are often regarded as a coherent entity. Amidst the wasted surface and badlands, several generations of people have eked out a living in the shifting sands and inhospitable atmosphere. Estimates of the population varies, but most scholars assume that only a fraction have adopted the link.
===Dynaean Survivors===
Although not a distinct species, the rugged survivors of Dynae’s great cataclysm are often regarded as a coherent entity. Amidst the wasted surface and badlands, several generations of people have eked out a living in the shifting sands and inhospitable atmosphere. Estimates of the population varies, but most scholars assume that only a fraction have adopted the link.
===Low Altitude===
Almost all cities built before the Great Cataclysm were lost. Either abandoned during the war or because they faced the brunt of the fallout, the great cities are crumbling monoliths to Dynae’s past. A few thousand Dynaeans survived the calamity down here. Whether in secure bunkers, or by pure grit, several hundred homesteads in the Dynaean wastes are populated by a unique breed of person.
In recent years, following the recovery of the planet’s atmosphere, many low-altitude areas are being restored. Once thought woefully lost several valleys and regions have sparked hope for new life. Deliveries of supplies to the once-isolated homesteads have increased and a more interconnected surface network has brought the people of Dynae closer to the void-dwelling Whai above.
: 35,000
A one kmkilometer wide geodesic dome built in the remains of the ''Faboai Valley'', '''GC1''' is the largest active settlement in low altitude. Built over 90 years ago at the start of the Era of Peace, GC1 is a marvel of design and engineering. Innovative pressure seals and state of the art anti-corrosive panels insulateinsulated the structure from Dynae’s hostile atmosphere. GC1 also sponsors an annual rally through the surrounding badlands to the ruins of the port town Kyrilislport.
As the atmospheric challenges lessened on the structure, the dome city’s vision for the future waned. Traditional greenhouses and shelters could replace the costly and high-ly engineered structure. GC1 proved the viability of the platform, but the expense involved was too great to repeat on Dynae even before atmospheric conditioning.
: 50,000
The Själsstyrka Reservoir is an artificial lake created during the terraforming of Dynae. It is the site of a new development and home for 50,000 people. The dammed river valley provides power and water security for the region. Själsstyrka is growing off of the back of a burgeoning aquaculture and fishing industry. The reservoir is planned to connect aqueducts to regional farms and to restore surrounding soils with fertilization programs. It is hoped that the region will become a new bread-basket to rival [[Dynae#Hōkūpa'a|Hōkūpa'a]].
===High Altitude===
''4,000m+ (13,000ft)''
: 250240,000
In the equatorial mountain range of ''Śikhara'', a bowl-shapped city lies between three mountains. Kinngait, originally a mining town at the base of the largest of the surrounding peaks, ballooned into a minor metropolis when the planet’s atmosphere soured. Those that could not afford or find space on ships leaving the surface trekked up into the mountains to Kinngait. It was estimated that millions of Dynaeans attempted the journey, but only a few hundred thousand arrived to the relative safety of the Kinngait basin. The survivors faced decades of starvation and malnourishment but managed to persist with the aid of Whai pirates who sequestered goods from across the sector.
In recent years the population has fluxuated with the opening of the Rangi and revitalization of the planet. Kinngait is undergoing an extensive infrastructure effort to reorganize and rezone the city.
: 60100,000
In the once tropical region of ''Monunone'', the elevated plateau of Hōkūpa'a was one of the few refugees during the final Dynaean Civil War. Towering nearly a kilometer above the remnants of a rainforest, the isolated mesa maintained much of its unique ecosystem even after the Great Cataclysm. The small city of Hōkūpa'a was founded around an old research base for biologists and naturalists but was expanded into the largest open-air agricultural facility on the planet that specialized in hardy strains of plants and animals that cannot be cultivated in microgravity. The population bloomed from sixty-thousand to one-hundred-thousand after atmospheric conditioning improved the habitability of the region.
: 900015,000
The mountain-side city of Moai was expanded not long after the cataclysm. It was once an isolated monastic retreat high in the ''Sikavu Range'', but the influx of people swelled the population to several thousand. Buildings and abodes were erected haphazardly on top of one another and jammed into the rockfaces. Precarious walkways and elevators connect the hundreds of shops, houses, and businesses to the single docking pad. Moai was named after the stone figures carved by the monks who used to be the sole residents of the mountain. These figures remain scattered across the ridgelines and peaks surrounding the settlement.
===Low Orbit===
: 450,000
: Leviathan - Kahurangi
A city in the sky, Tīnarā is the largest single settlement in Teuthem space. While the exact population count is not tracked, almost half a million people are presumed to reside on the station. It was once a stepping stone from the spaceport on the old Dynaean capital and the exodus from the surface during The Final Discordance and the Great Cataclysm resulted in the expansion of the station into a fully fledged settlement.
The city-station is built around a core spire designed with a rotating cylinder of habitation blocs and microgravity spaces. Rapid additions and expansions created a labyrinth of corridors and peripheral wings, with much of the station not experiencing artificial gravity. The majority of the station is comprised of ships and containers permanently fused and welded to old docking ports that now face internal areas.
:Leviathan - Anahera
The sister station of Tīnarā orbits Dynae an average of 80 km (50 mi) higher.
This sister station of Tīnarā orbits Dynae an average of 80 km (50 mi) higher. A more spacious station, Stjarnaby was expanded more slowly and additional living spaces were carefully planned. Ninety percent of habitation blocs and common areas are rotating and under the influence of artificial gravity. Visitors to Dynae are recommended to dock at Stjarnaby as it is similar to other space stations in the sector, although Whai may complain that it lacks some of the local flavor of [[The Rangi]].
===High Orbit===
====Ulfbert Magnus====
: 15,000
Up in geo-stationary orbit over Dynae, Ulfbert Magnus was once a military outpost for past Dynaean governments. A large space dock and shipyard, the station was at its height able to amass interstellar combat fleets in merely a few months. Today it is best known as a pirate base affiliated with the Tahora Whai,. butIt maintains its legacy of ship construction;. mostMost Dynaean whaling ships larger than a corvette are built in the void-docks of Ulfbert Magnus. Ship styles vary considerably from salvaged commonwealth freighters, to bespoke Tahora inspired bio-framed frigates, toand jury-rigged scrap ships that can just about keep their atmosphere. Ship repair and salvage are notable aspects of Ulfbert Magnus’ daily operations. The shipwrights and craftsfolk onboard also provide services to the space trucking guilds that operate out in the west of space.
See Also [[Technologies of the Whai]]
==Ghost Towns==
The scouring of the planet wiped many cities off the map. Some folks have returned to these lost urban spaces to rebuild, but few have success until recent atmospheric projects brought life back to the surface.
Founded by [[Strigo]] colony ships 750 years ago in the ''Kyrolisil Delta''. The city was a major agricultural hub and was led by a council of elder's known as the ''Parliament of Kyrol''.
During the great cataclysm explosive shockwaves drove a tsunami through the city sundering its many towers. Aftershocks collapsed a cliff face inland and redirected the local river several kilometers north. Subsequent deterioration of the atmosphere salted the once verdant and plentiful fields. Reclamation of the city is believed to be a lost cause. Scavenging over the past 300 years have left it a crumbling husk.
: 280,000
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%">The heavily populated moon of Dynae,. industryIndustry and economy of the moon is focused around the prosperous refueling station of '''Canala 6''' at its heart. The station is home to several businessebusinesses. The most popular is '''''Slammin' Shortbread''''', a curious bartea-house/lounge that specializes in Tahora blubber baked goods.
Before the Whai, '''Kanisthaou''' and the '''Canala 6''' refueling station were the principal investment of a mining company. The corporation declined in power when the Kanisthaou mines dried up. None-the-less, remnants of the corporate structure persist, if only ironically. Tribes which hail from Kanisthaou prefer to use extortion and the threat of force in their piratical endeavors rather than resorting to direct violence. The moon is also famous for a musical tradition that incorporates strange alien signals known as ''Kanisthaou Calypso'' or ''The Kanisthaou Sound''. Endlessly remixed, the foreign signals are developed into lyrics and intricate rhythms by the local skalds. Kanisthaou ships will often park themselves near rival bases and worlds and blast their pirate radio frequencies to entertain locals, much to the dismay of authorities. Visitors are encouraged to stop by '''The Waffle Hab'''–the local diner–and the library '''Nook's Hook'''.
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* Extortionate corporate minions
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<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" style="width:100%">Above'''Tolon 5''' is an orbital ruin found over the moon Kanisthaou. Mostly a orbitalpile ruin,of '''Tolonspace 5'''junk, the ruin exchanges hands oftenregularly andbetween ismilitant pirates who use it as a constantbase havenof foroperations. piratesDeep within the ruined station, craftspersons study the remains of strange lost technologies of a bygone era hoping to salvage something useful from the wreckage.
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* Military Quarantine Enforcers
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Orbiting in a highly eccentric orbit, much further out from Dynae, the lumpy chickpea-looking moon of Catavance is a barren rock home to fewer than 1000 people. Lacking any natural resources, the moon is little more than a microgravity to settle on.
==SWN Planet Tags==