Double Dew Transcendental Drizzle

From Beacon Space
Revision as of 20:07, 21 November 2021 by beaconspace>Turbo566 (Created page with "A recent product of a Sihian startup, Dew Fog Ltd, inspired by their experiences with a variety of alien cuisines. Brewed from an absinthe base and a range of micro-grains gat...")
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A recent product of a Sihian startup, Dew Fog Ltd, inspired by their experiences with a variety of alien cuisines. Brewed from an absinthe base and a range of micro-grains gathered from across the sector and fermented using a custom designed yeast procured from the Children of the Vein. Due to the Dew Fog ignoring the purity standards that Sihian custom dictates for being defined as beer means that despite DDTD being quite obviously a beer it is marketed as a carbonated absinthe