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Three years of debate proved the militarist coalition to be more cohesive than the Traditionalists expected, while still proving to the Dominion and the Realists that debate alone was unlikely to win enough of the Elders to their side. Using the Realists as recruiters, they began a campaign to convert high-ranking knights to their cause, hoping that glory and conquest would prove persuasive where mere words had failed.
After a year of continued deadlock in the Council of Elders, the Dominion succeeded in recruiting a prominent knight: '''Syr Ancelot, Master of the[[The Order of the Mourning Blade]], Blademaster, Undefeated''', a storied figure who was well-respected even outside his own knightly order. He proved to be the one able to bring the militarist coalition the victory they were looking for. Three months after committing himself to conquest, he returned to the Starlit Court proud and victorious, having, unbidden, conquered a world in the name of the empire-to-be.
However, Syr Ancelot’s victory was short-lived; the Grandmasters and Castellan were appalled by his rash behavior and immediately ordered the arrest of Syr Ancelot, his lances, and the Dominion Elders who encouraged knights to go rogue. The accused knights did not go quietly, managing to escape custody. '''Syr Jaqués the Sparrow''', who led the forces sent to apprehend them, was brutally killed by Syr Ancelot during the escape.
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During this time, '''Syr Ancelot''' was planning to force the issue. He believed wholeheartedly that the [[Starlit Path|Path of the Starlit Court]] was one of ''Blood and Conquest'' and came up with an idea to give the court only one option in the matter. Gathering his forces for training and Briefing on his plans, he revealed to the Dominionists and Realists that he would crash Sihi into the planet '''[[Dachia]]''', knowing full well that Sihi’s engines were irreplaceable and that the ship would not survive entry into an atmosphere. This action would force the Court to either conquer or die trying. As he was a Master of an Order he was able to concoct an intricate plan, subdivided in phases, designed specifically to disable and destroy Sihi.
He spent seven months training and readying all those who had joined him, a significant number. Roughly half of the [[The Order of the Mourning Blade]], the Order Syr Ancelot originated from, had made the journey to join him, including a mass variety of Sihians who fully believed that conquest was the true goal of the Path. With supporters to spare, Ancelot sent many of them back to Sihi to lie in wait for his first move.
The Plan was simple: His forces would cause widespread destruction and chaos on Sihi to distract [[The Guardian Fleets]]. He would time his approach, making sure '''The Resolute''' was on duty so it could betray the Fleet and give himself cover to enter Sihi relatively unimpeded. When on Sihi, he would have communications and the inner and outer defenses disabled to enable his entrance to the control room of the Worldship. Lastly, he would fly Sihi and crash it into the planet of Dachia, a controlled collision.