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[[Category: Assembled Commonwealth]]
|title=The Commonwealth Navy
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|Faction=Assembled Commonwealth
|Role= Military Force
|Motto= "tbcAd Bonum Omnium" (For the good of all)
Lord High Admiral - Aetharch Tyber I<br>
First Space Lord- Admiral of the Fleet Caelen Irvine
The military arm of the [[Assembled Commonwealth]] is the Commonwealth Navy. It traces its origins to the first vessels that arrived in [[Asta]] during [[Idarast|Idarast’s]] colonisation. The Commonwealth Navy has been called upon countless times to defend the interests of the [[Assembled Commonwealth]]. Its influence is so widespread, select officers are granted seats in the [[Assembled Commonwealth #The_Assembly|Assembly]].
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* Providing Humanitarian Aid – To deliver a fast and effective response to interstellar catastrophes
* Providing Police support- To provide a police force that operates above the city-state level, focusing on fighting Domestic terrorism and organised crime
== History ==
The Commonwealth Navy was formally founded on 22nd December 152 (PA) (220) following the establishment of the [[Assembled Commonwealth]]. However, its origins can be traced back to several precursor organisations on [[Idarast]] well before the Commonwealth’s founding.
During Idarast’s initial colonisation various groups of settlers had their security forces and naval vessels. The largest was the collection of ships that arrived alongside the refugees from the House of Ida. These vessels, though heavily damaged, provided an essential boon to the security of the colonies. Eventually, each of the city-states built up their naval forces, protecting [[Asta]] and Idarast from raiders and pirates. This enabled the colonies to explore the system and exploit its resources.
The [[Idarast#Ankon|City-state of Ankon]] was especially quick to establish shipyards and a professional navy and soon rivalled that of Beorgan and the vessels they had inherited from the House of Ida. To this day the city of [[Idarast#Ankon|Ankon]] is heavily invested in shipbuilding and has extremely close ties with the navy.
The first unified Idari navy was formed during the events leading up to the Beacon Wars. In response to growing tensions in interstellar politics, the Navigation Treaty was signed. This called for all the city-states to contribute to a joint task force responsible for the defence of the Asta system. Attempts at fortifying the Asta system commenced as the diplomatic situation in Beacon Space collapsed and hostilities became a certainty. The joint task force would meet its first test at the Battle of the Gates.
Outnumbered, the joint task force relied on superior tactics and positioning against the attempt to invade Asta. While victorious, the battle was a close-run thing. Losses for the joint task force were high. Commanding one of the vessels was the then, Aetharing Uriele. To this day his actions while breaking the enemy lines are taught in the naval academy. Uriele is remembered as one of the Commonwealth’s greatest naval heroes. [[Asta#Uriele Anchorage|The Uriele Naval Anchorage]] is named in his honour.
In the aftermath of the battle, and the continued fractious nature of Beacon Space, the city-states of [[Idarast]] agreed to form the [[Assembled Commonwealth]] and with it the Commonwealth Navy. United the city-states pooled their resources to rebuild and expand their naval capacity. The two largest contributors to this new navy were the Ankon Defence Force and the Beorgan Navy. The influence of these two organisations is seen in how the Commonwealth Navy was organised and structured. Admiral Volkov, formerly of the Ankon Defence Force, was appointed as the First Space Lord and began a programme of rapid expansion and further fortification of the [[Asta]] system and idarast itself.
The following decades saw the Commonwealth Navy involved in several skirmishes and a series of campaigns to thwart any more incursions. But it wasn’t only foreign powers the Navy had to contend with. Domestic groups opposed to the formation of the Commonwealth had taken up arms and began a small insurgency. Based mostly in the [[Asta#Vale belt|Vale belt]] the Commonwealth Navy was tasked with rooting the insurgents out and protecting the vital trade routes in and out of Asta. After a series of bombings on Idarast, a major campaign was undertaken to root out the insurgent’s bases. Dozens of vessels combed the vast Vale belt, while marines were deployed on Idarast to occupy several suspected insurgent bases. The insurgency was declared defeated but it is rumoured that several cells survived and simply continued their efforts against Commonwealth traders, fueling the rise of piracy in the Vale belt.
As the situation in Beacon Space calmed down, and relative peace returned to the sector, the Commonwealth Navy was tasked with securing the rapidly expanding trade routes. Fueled by the formation and successes of the [[Assembled Commonwealth# The Guilds|guilds]], Commonwealth goods could now be found on the extreme edges of known Beacon Space. The Navy was required to make all effort possible to protect those guilds. The fleet became stretched thin. Vessels were on constant patrol. Shipbuilding continued at a significant pace. Competition between the guilds became fierce, each bidding for rich trade routes and precious charters. This led to several altercations between different Guilds. This animosity eventually escalated, leading to some unscrupulous guild masters hiring criminals and pirates to interfere with their competitors' routes. The Commonwealth Navy was overwhelmed by this new development, and droves of vessels simply disappeared. Unsatisfied with the efforts of the Commonwealth Navy some guilds turned to mercenaries to protect their cargoes. These private militaries would eventually become known as Guild Corsairs. Open warfare had been declared by the largest guilds upon each other. At the height of the Guild Corsairs, the number of vessels almost outnumbered the entirety of the Commonwealth Navy.
Fighting between the guilds remained outside the [[Asta]] system, though some incidents came close. Intervention by Commonwealth Navy vessels prevented anything serious. Aetharch Vittore became concerned by the guilds’ increasing power, worried that it was only a matter of time before the conflict erupted on [[Idarast]]. He passed a series of regulations upon the guild. The size of any private military’s company vessel was severely limited. All vessels were required to be registered with the Commonwealth Navy and be issued a Letter of Marque. A new tax was levied on the guilds to provide funds for the further expansion of the navy. And finally, he declared that any Guild Corsairs that fired upon a registered Commonwealth trader would have their Letter of Marque removed and they would be declared pirates.
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The actions of the Aetharch, though praised by many in society, drove a wedge between the guilds and the Aetharchy. Some of the largest guilds even went so far as to publicly begin questioning the role of the Aetharch and many more began to isolate the Aetharch’s business ventures and investments. Many experts believe this contributed heavily to the Aetharch’s efforts in establishing Project Atlas.
The events of the [[Assembled Commonwealth#Era of peace 33 (PA) (101)|Idari Crisis]] are well known; the catastrophic failures that led to the Atlas event, the slow reaction by the Aetharcy, and the disastrous consequences faced by the Idari people. The Commonwealth Navy was heavily involved in rescue efforts in the short days after the Asteroid hit. The endeavours were severely hampered by the delayed response from the Aetharchy. Requests to deploy the marines on Idarast went unanswered for days. Emergency powers were not announced until the First Space Lord met with the Aetharch in person and stressed the importance of allowing the navy to utilise all its resources in handling the disaster.
The majority of naval vessels were recalled to Idarast. Naval stores were opened and released to the city-state authorities for distribution. Marine engineers were dispatched to [[Idarast#Ankon|City-state of Ankon]], the hardest hit of the city-states, to search for survivors. When the high level of radiation was discovered in the atmosphere naval bases were opened to shelter refugees. Some of the largest vessels in the Navy allowed refugees to shelter onboard while more permanent solutions could be arranged. The Guilds and the Navy coordinated quickly, bypassing the Aetharch entirely, relief convoys were organised bringing food and medical supplies from nearby systems and heavily escorted by navy vessels.
A year passed and events had stabilised, most refugees had permanent shelter on Idarast or within the [[Asta#Baldr belt|Baldr belt]]. Efforts were ongoing to shield the [[Assembled Commonwealth#The City-States|city-states]] from the high levels of radiation now present in the atmosphere. Military engineers had begun to adapt the already present filters and erect more resistant domes over large portions of the city-states, though work would continue for many years before being complete. The Aetharch had been secluded in the verdant palace since the early days of the crisis. Matters of state had fallen to members of the bureaucracy and the navy. It was clear to the Admiralty that the Aetharch had abandoned his duty and a change was needed.
A delegation from the navy, the guilds, and prominent members of the city-states demanded an audience with the Aetharch. The meeting made it clear that the Aetharchs position was untenable and demanded the Aetharchs abdication in favour of his young son Tyber. On 15th August 7(PA) (75) Aetharch Vittore abdicated and removed himself from public life. The navy remained heavily involved in the political sphere, helping form Tyber’s regency council and eventually making a pivotal contribution to the founding of the [[Assembled Commonwealth #The_Assembly|Assembly]]. To this day the navy remains prominent in the Assembly and wields vast political influence.
After the events of the Idari Crisis, the navy underwent a wide-ranging reform. Recruitment requirements were relaxed, officers no longer had to fund their education and instead, cadets were chosen on merit from the general recruitment pool. The training was modified so all branches were combined during basic training, helping to forge bonds across the branches and ensuring a base level of competency in certain areas. An influx in recruits followed the crisis, with the newfound desire to contribute to the [[Assembled Commonwealth#Common good|common good]] and the introduction of national service. The navy began to expand and overhaul its vessels, new classes of cruisers and destroyers were developed that favoured long-range exploration and commerce defence.
== Navy Today ==
=== Personnel ===
Personnel in the Commonwealth Navy are split between the three branches The Navy, Marines, and Aviation corps. The Commonwealth Navy has over two million active personnel, with another million on ready reserve. Nearly eighty percent are enlisted sailors, Marines, or Aviators, 15 percent are commissioned officers and the remainder are midshipmen and officer cadets.
A large number of enlisted personnel are in the navy to complete their [[Assembled Commonwealth#National Service|National Service]], and therefore, only have to serve for two years. However, it's not unusual for this to be voluntarily extended to a full five-year tour or even a full Naval Career.
====The Navy====
====The Navy====
The Navy is the senior branch in the Commonwealth Navy. It encompasses both the Aether fleet and “shoreside” installations such as the [[Idarast]] orbital defence stations, Uriele Anchorage, and the Gate defence network. The Aether fleet is the name given to all the mobile vessels of the Commonwealth Navy, these ships patrol Commonwealth-controlled space and various foreign trade routes.
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The Picket flotilla operates exclusively within Commonwealth space, its vessels consist of small patrol craft that performs the Navies customs and inspections role, scanning and inspecting civilian vessels entering and travelling through Commonwealth space. The survey flotilla operates in unexplored territory, its vessels are lightly armed and instead carry extensive sensor systems and science equipment. Their main aim is to find interesting and potentially valuable resources that the Commonwealth can exploit. Recently the Survey Flotilla has been assigned to aid the newly founded Board for the Exploration and Colonisation of Uninhabited Systems.
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| Escort carriers || Are smaller versions of fleet carriers, they usually carry half the amount of squadrons that a fleet carrier does. Escort Carriers are designed to carry out long-range raids or provide protection to trade routes.
| Battlecruisers || Are designed to have the armour and the armament nearly comparable to a battleship but with the speed of a cruiser. The Battlecruiser class is the newest developed class of vessel in the Commonwealth Navy and only a few have been built.
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| Auxiliary ships || The Commonwealth Navy employs a variety of Auxiliary ships from missile colliers and tankers to medical ships and Bulk Freighters. Auxiliary ships provide logistical support to the Fleets, allowing them to operate far from commonwealth space and friendly ports.
====Commonwealth Marine Corps====
====Commonwealth Marine Corps====
The Commonwealth Marine Corps encompasses the ground forces of the Commonwealth Navy. Utilised if operations require planetary surface control, the Marines are highly trained in a wide variety of planetary operations, anything from quick tactical strikes to full planetary invasions and temporary occupation.
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A Marine Brigade is made up of three Infantry Battalions, one Armoured Battalion, one Artillery Battalion, and a single Support Battalion. The majority of Infantry Battalions are designated as Light or Mechanised Infantry, the difference being Mechanised infantry are deployed with Armoured Transports. Armoured Battalions in the Commonwealth Marines are equipped with a mix of T-60 (heavy tanks), GT-62 (Grav Tanks), and M-67 (Light Mechs). Marine Doctrine uses M-67s as recon units and infantry support, M-67s are relatively light in comparison to other militaries, the Marine corps values the mobility and ability to provide close support to infantry units over Heavy firepower. Artillery Battalions field a mix of heavy to light artillery pieces as well as anti-air systems. Support Battalions comprise the logistic elements needed to support Marine Corps operations, including medical support, supply transports, and Engineer companies.
====Commonwealth Naval Aviation Corps====
====Commonwealth Naval Aviation Corps====
The CNAC operates the Commonwealth Navy’s small craft, strike fighters, tactical bombers, shuttles, and Landing craft, heavy transports, and logistic craft. CNAC strike squadrons can be found on Aether fleet carriers and Naval defence stations, ground-based bases on [[Idarast]] and Mankira Niti, as well as attached to Marine Assault groups and at Corps level. Virtually every Aether fleet vessel will carry a handful of CNAC personnel to man the navy's shuttles.
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Each branch has its own uniforms, from everyday service uniforms, formal dress and shipsuits. Enlisted personnel and commissioned officer’s uniforms differ significantly and allow easy identification of an individual's rank and specialisation. Each member of the Commonwealth Navyis issued a shipsuit, this is a specialised vac suit that is to be worn at all times when aboard a naval vessel. It is designed to protect against sudden loss of atmosphere and contains enough life support to last 48 hours in a vacuum.
Basic training is delivered to all recruits from all branches at CNB Rally near [[Idarast#Ankon|Ankon]] on [[Idarast]]. Recruits from all branches are combined into a single programme in mixed companies. It consists of a 3-month course, recruits undergo a strenuous fitness regime and are instilled a level of military discipline. Recruits also complete basic weapons drills, emergency drills and are taught basic survival skills.
Basic training is delivered to all recruits from all branches at CNB Rally near Ankon on [[Idarast]]. Recruits from all branches are combined into a single programme in mixed companies. It consists of a 3-month course, recruits undergo a strenuous fitness regime and are instilled a level of military discipline. Recruits also complete basic weapons drills, emergency drills and are taught basic survival skills.
The programme of combined basic training was introduced after the Naval reforms of 5 (Ae) (63) as a way of fostering a new level of interconnectedness and ensuring a knowledge base that is consistent throughout the branches.
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====Naval training====
Naval recruits remain at CNB Rally to undergo specialist training depending on which career path a recruit is considering. Upon completing specialisation recruits are given the rank of Able rating and assigned to a Commonwealth naval vessel. Naval crewmen will often return to CNB Rally throughout their careers to attend specialist training and receive advancements and trade badges.
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====Marine training====
Training for Enlisted Marines and Officer Cadets is undertaken predominantly at Fort Gulf. Enlisted recruits undergo a further 3-month intensive course on advanced weapons and tactics and eventually specialise in infantry, armour, or support roles. Some specialisations require further training which is undertaken at various bases on [[Idarast]] and across [[Asta]]. Eventually, recruits will be given the rank of private and assigned to various Marine Regiments.
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====Aviation corps training====
Further training for Aviation corps recruits takes place at CNAC Taral. Enlisted recruits undertake a series of specialisation courses, depending on their desired area of expertise. Specialisations include mechanics, weapons and sensor technicians, logistic support, rescue operations, clerical duties, and navigators. Specialisation lasts on average 3 months after which recruits are granted the rank of Aviator and assigned to a squadron. The navigator specialisation lasts a further 6 months and upon completion, the recruit is granted the rank of Flight Sergeant.
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===Current Deployments===
The Commonwealth Navy is dispersed throughout [[Assembled Commonwealth]]-controlled space and beyond. The vast majority of the Navy's strength is located in [[Asta]], Red Fleet maintains its position as Home Defence, providing security to [[Idarast]] and the various settlements throughout Asta. Elements of the Blue Fleet have recently been deployed to [[Mankira Niti]] as well as small detachments sent to [[Astynar]] and [[Vaddonia]], Blue Fleet’s presence in the Aether reach, is expected to vastly increase in the following months. The white fleet has several task forces deployed within Asta but the majority of the fleet is on operations outside of Commonwealth-controlled space, touring Commonwealth allied space, visiting Commonwealth concerns and operations as well as patrolling the various trade routes ensuring Commonwealth traders can proceed without hindrances. The survey Flotilla buoyed by recent discoveries in Astynar and Vaddonia are focusing their attention on the area known as The Chain.
The Majority of Marine formations remain on Idarast or settlements within the [[Asta]] system. However, the 3rd Marine Division has been deployed to Mankira Niti to assist in training the Mankiran defence force. The 21st Brigade and 18th Brigade have been deployed to Peleus and Koritas, to provide defence of the burgeoning colonies and assist in developing basic Infrastructure.
The Commonwealth Navy is dispersed throughout [[Assembled Commonwealth]]-controlled space and beyond. The vast majority of the Navy's strength is located in [[Asta]], Red Fleet maintains its position as Home Defence, providing security to [[Idarast]] and the various settlements throughout Asta. Elements of the Blue Fleet have recently been deployed to Mankira Niti as well as small detachments sent to Astynar and Vaddonia, Blue Fleet’s presence in the Aether reach is expected to vastly increase in the following months. The white fleet has several task forces deployed within Asta but the majority of the fleet is on operations outside of Commonwealth-controlled space, touring Commonwealth allied space, visiting Commonwealth concerns and operations as well as patrolling the various trade routes ensuring Commonwealth traders can proceed without hindrances. The survey Flotilla buoyed by recent discoveries in Astynar and Vaddonia are focusing their attention on the area known as The Chain.
The Majority of Marine formations remain on Idarast or settlements within the Asta system. However, the 3rd Marine Division has been deployed to Mankira Niti to assist in training the Mankiran defence force. The 21st Brigade and 18th Brigade have been deployed to Peleus and Koritas, to provide defence of the burgeoning colonies and assist in developing basic Infrastructure.
===Commonwealth Navy Facilities and Bases===
The Commonwealth Navy maintains dozens of facilities throughout Commonwealth space, both planetary-based and orbital bases. The following are some of the most important.
'''Admiralty House:''' The Administrative centre of the Commonwealth Navy and the Headquarters of the First Space Lord. Admiralty House was relocated from [[Idarast#Beorgan|Beorgan]] to [[Idarast#Nyhavn|Nyhavn]] fifty years ago and is built within the [[Assembled Commonwealth #The_Assembly|Assembly]] compound. The building contains offices for every department in the Commonwealth Navy and employs nearly 30,000 military and civilian personnel. Rumour has it that a vast command centre was built underneath Admiralty house that would allow the First Space Lord to coordinate Idarasts defences in the event of a planetary invasion.
'''Uriele Anchorage:''' The largest naval base in Commonwealth space, Uriele Anchorage is located at Idarast’s L4 Lagrange point. It is the Headquarters of the Second Space Lord and the Naval Planning and Operations Department. It is also currently serving as the Home base of the Red fleet while they are deployed in [[Asta]]. The Naval Anchorage is made up of several different stations the largest of which is known as “The Spire”. The Anchorage is predominantly a defensive base for [[Idarast]] and a facility for Naval vessels to resupply and refuel. It is considered by many as the de facto Aether Fleet Headquarters and houses detachments from every major Commonwealth Navy formation.
'''Vulcan Slipways:''' The Vulcan Slipways are owned and operated by the Commonwealth Navy, located at Idarasts L1 Lagrange point alongside other facilities that make up the [[Asta#Lagrange Yards|Lagrange Yards]]. It is considered the preeminent shipyard in Commonwealth space, not only producing vessels but housing dozens of laboratory spaces for research and development of military technologies. The Vulcan Slipways boasts over a dozen large slipways for the production of capital class naval vessels, able even to accommodate the production of classes such as Battleships and Fleet carriers.
'''CNB Rally:''' The largest military base on Idarast, headquarters of the Fourth Space lord, and the main training facility for Commonwealth Navy recruits. The base is located near the city-state of Ankon and is built upon what was once an independent base for the Ankon defence force. The facilities have been extended in recent years and the base now extends for over 300 square miles, including vast exercise areas and extensive subterranean facilities.
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'''Point Ande:''' With Mankira Niti’s recent joining of the Assembled Commonwealth a small naval base has begun construction in the system. The current Naval support facilities in the system are located on the surface of Mankira Niti so the size of vessels that can be supported is limited. Point Ande will be able to support all Commonwealth naval vessels and will even have limited refitting capabilities.
'''Point Astynar:'''To support the newly founded colony on [[Peleus]] a small naval outpost that has been developed alongside Brahms Core. Point Astynar can support a small squadron of Commonwealth naval vessels and houses a squadron of CNAC strike craft.
'''Pride of Ida:'''is the first Anchorage class vessel and one of the most technologically advanced vessels in the commonwealth navy. It is similar in many ways to the Uriele anchorage but instead of being in a fixed orbit the Pride of Ida is able to manoeuvre and even jump to other systems, either by using the gates or its own jump drives. The Pride of Ida acts as a mobile fleet headquarters and is designed to assist in fleet operations far outside of Commonwealth space. It is currently commanded by Admiral Warner and houses the fleet headquarters of Blue Fleet.
==Command control and organisation==
The titular head of the Commonwealth Navy is Aetharch Tyber I, who holds the rank of Lord High Admiral. The professional head of the Commonwealth Navy is the First Space Lord and holds supreme authority over all military forces of the [[Assembled Commonwealth]]. The six of war a committee of the [[Assembled Commonwealth #The_Assembly|Assembly]] maintains oversight of the Commonwealth Navy and appoints the First Space Lord, and has the authority to recall them.
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===Admiralty Board===
The most senior officers in the Commonwealth Navy, responsible for the day-to-day operation of the Commonwealth Navy and supervise the various departments that make up the Naval staff. The entire Admiralty Board meets at least once a year joined by the members of the Six of War.
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===Admiralty Naval staff===
====Planning and operations department====
The Planning and Operations department is the main preparation and strategic planning arm of the Commonwealth Navy, responsible for the formulation of operational orders, the composition of fleets, task forces, squadrons, and assault groups, and the formulation of long-term policy and Naval Doctrine.
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====Department of ships====
The Department of Ships oversees the Procurement and development of Naval vessels designs. The Design process is overseen by the college of Naval architects who assess designs and approve them for production. The final assessment of completed Naval vessels is undertaken by the Surveyor of the Navy who decides whether a vessel is accepted into service or not.
The Superintendent of the Commonwealth Navy Yards is responsible for the operation of the various Naval yards owned by the Commonwealth Navy, chiefly those located as part of the Lagrange yards and some smaller operations within the [[Idarast#Ankon|City-State of Ankon]].
====Ordnance department====
The Ordnance Department, headed by the Chief of Ordnance, is responsible for the development and procurement of Weaponry, mIlitary equipment, and vehicles. While the Department does maintain some research labs the vast majority of development is undertaken by private companies contracted by the Ordnance Department. Licenses are issued by the department to produce and supply the Commonwealth Navy with military hardware and equipment.
====Personnel Department====
The Personnel Department oversees the administration of Commonwealth Navy personnel and is headed by the Chief of Personnel. The Department is responsible for handing out assignments, monitoring staffing levels, ensuring efficient numbers are maintained, and the organisation of the Naval Reserve. The Department is responsible for various areas of Commonwealth Navy policy relating to pay, leave, and discipline. The Personnel Department has two sub-departments: the Medical Department and the Judicial Department.
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====Training and staff duties department====
Headed by the Director of Training The Training and staff duties department is responsible for the formation and implementation of various syllabuses related to training of Naval personnel, this includes basic training, specialisation, and professional development of naval personnel. The Commonwealth Naval academy is technically under the remit of the Training and staff duties department, however, the Academy Commandant is provided with a large amount of lee-way in designing a syllabus and fermenting an ethos of their own. The Department is also responsible for the creation and amendment of standard duty operational orders, which guide Naval personnel’s operational duties during an ordinary day.
====Finance Department====
Headed by the Permanent Secretary of the Navy, the Finance Department is responsible for the Commonwealth Navy budget, the department coordinates with all the other departments to ensure spending is controlled and allocated appropriately. Every five years the Permanent Secretary of the Navy convenes with the Admiralty Board and develops a proposal for the Navy's future budget, which is then sent to the Assembly for assessment and confirmation.
Logistics Department
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====Marine General staff====
The Marine General staff is made up of senior Marine Corps officers who oversee the Marine corps and its operation, the General staff liaise closely with the Fleet Planning department and assist in planning operations that include Marine Forces. The Commandant General of the Marine Corps is also known as the Chief of the Marine General staff and is the Senior most officer in the Commonwealth Marine Corps.
====Aviation Corps staff====
The Aviation Corps staff is made up of senior Aviation Corps officers who oversee the Aviation corps and its operation, the Aviation Corps staff liaise closely with the Fleet Planning department and assist in planning operations that include Aviation Corps forces. The Chief Marshall is also known as the Chief of the Aviation Corps staff and is the Senior most officer in the Commonwealth Naval Aviation Corps.
====Senior Enlisted officers====
The Senior Enlisted officers are the three senior-most non-commissioned officers in the Commonwealth Navy, their role on the Admiralty Staff is to represent the Rank and File of the Commonwealth Navy. The Senior Enlisted officer of the Navy is appointed as Chief Warrant officer of the Naval service and reports directly to the Second Space lord. The Senior Enlisted Officer of the Marine Corps is the Corps Regimental Sergeant Major and reports directly to the Commandant General of the Marine Corps. The Senior Enlisted Officer of the Aviation Corps is the Master Chief Aircrew and reports directly to the CommandantChief General of the Marine CorpsMarshal.
The Senior Enlisted officers are the three senior-most non-commissioned officers in the Commonwealth Navy, their role on the Admiralty Staff is to represent the Rank and File of the Commonwealth Navy. The Senior Enlisted officer of the Navy is appointed as Chief Warrant officer of the Naval service and reports directly to the Second Space lord. The Senior Enlisted Officer of the Marine Corps is the Corps Regimental Sergeant Major and reports directly to the Commandant General of the Marine Corps. The Senior Enlisted Officer of the Aviation Corps is the Master Chief Aircrew and reports directly to the Commandant General of the Marine Corps.
===The Navy===
Though Fleets and formations are assigned orders from the operations department and the overall strategy of the Navy is decided by the First Space Lord, the commanders of Fleets and task forces have significant leeway in interpreting their orders and the means of which they employ to complete their objectives. This independence is vital because the distance that naval operations occur makes it impossible for the Admiralty to intervene.
The Line Fleets- Red Fleet, Blue Fleet, and White Fleet are each commanded by an officer of a flag rank usually of Vice-Admiral or Admiral rank. Historically the Line Fleets have operated in different regions or been assigned a specialized task.
Red Fleet is also known as the Home fleet, it operates almost exclusively within the [[Asta]] system and usually within the inner system around [[Idarast]] and the Baldr belt. The Fleet is made up of some of the largest and most powerful warships in the Commonwealth Navy. It's currently commanded by Admiral AdilClaudia MeirLang from their flagship the battleship CNV Aetharch, though it also maintains a headquarters at Uriele Anchorage.
Blue Fleet is also sometimes known as the Expeditionary fleet, it has historically been the fleet used to support operations in hostile foreign space, though recently it's become the fleet assigned to defend the Commonwealth’s burgeoning colonial possessions within the Aether Reach. It is currently Commanded by Admiral ClaudiaDavid LangWarner from their flagship, the fleet carrier CNV Victory, once completed the fleet is expected to also maintain a headquarters at Point Astynar.
White Fleet is also known as the trade fleet, it has historically been assigned to protect the expansive trade routes frequented by Commonwealth traders. Recently it has also been assigned the patrol areas around the gates and Vale Belt in Asta, with the Blue Fleet being assigned to the colonies. Due to its assignment, the White fleet has a larger proportion of light vessels compared with the other fleets. It is currently commanded by Vice Admiral Yaakov Walsh from their flagship the Battlecruiser CNV Indefatigable.
The Two flotillas- the Picket Flotilla and the survey flotilla, are vastly smaller than any of the Line Fleets. The Survey flotilla is currently commanded by Commodore Renae Auer and has its headquarters at The Aether Institute in the City-state of Montar. The Picket Flotilla is currently commanded by Rear Admiral Emidio Von Essen and headquartered at Admiralty house in Nyhavn. The Picket Flotilla is subordinate to Asta system Command which has authority over the naval stations and outposts in [[Asta]], it is commanded by Vice Admiral Farhan Garret and Headquartered at Uriele Anchorage.
These Fleets and Flotillas don’t normally operate as a single formation, instead, they are further split into task forces, squadrons and sometimes even operate as individual ships. Task Forces usually consist of a mixed force of capital ships and escorts and are assigned a specific mission. Squadrons consist of similar types of vessels, such as destroyers, cruisers, or frigates, and are usually how vessels are organised within a larger formation. The rank of the officer commanding a task force often depends on the size of the task force, but can usually range from Commodore to Vice-Admiral.
These Fleets and Flotillas don’t normally operate as a single formation, instead, they are further split into task forces, squadrons and sometimes even operate as individual ships. Task Forces usually consist of a mixed force of capital ships and escorts and are assigned a specific mission. Squadrons consist of similar types of vessels, such as destroyers, cruisers, or frigates, and are usually how vessels are organised within a larger formation. The rank of the officer commanding a task force often depends on the size of the task force, but can usually range from Commodore to Vice-Admiral.
===Marine Corps===
The Commonwealth Marine Corps is commanded by the Commandant General of the Marine Corps Markus Stringer. Currently, the Marine corps headquarters are located at Fort Gulf. The Marine Corps maintains two field armies in subordinate commands, Home Command and Expeditionary Command each of which are commanded by a Lieutenant General. These two Commands serve distinct purposes and are divided into a structure of divisions and brigades, which themselves consist of a complex mix of smaller units such as Battalions.
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A single battalion is made up of five companies, a headquarters company, three companies of infantry, armour, or artillery, and a support company. Each company is commanded by either a commander or Lieutenant commander, with a senior Lieutenant as second in command. The Headquarters company contains signals, quartermaster, catering, intelligence, administration, pay, training, operations, and medical elements. The support company contains specialised elements that support the other companies i.e anti-tank, machine gun, mortar, pioneer, and reconnaissance platoons. Armoured and Mechanised units usually have an attached light aid detachment (LAD) from an Engineer company to perform field repairs on vehicles and equipment. Support companies in Artillery battalions consist of extra logistics capacity and defensive troops.
====Other Units====
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While on operation the Provosts have several roles and responsibilities such as
* War crime investigations
* Handling and collating criminal evidence
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* Foreign policing and military training
* Providing close protection operatives for senior military and diplomatic personnel on operations
=====Commonwealth commando brigade=====
A highly specialised and adaptable elite light infantry force, the Commonwealth Commando brigade is trained for rapid deployment sector-wide and capable of dealing with a wide range of threats. The Commonwealth Commando brigade is organised into a light infantry brigade (32nd Commando Brigade) and some separate units, the Pathfinders, and the Special Reconnaissance Group. The brigade operates in all environments and climates, though particular expertise and training are spent on Contested Planetary landings, hostile environment warfare, and Raiding operations.
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The Pathfinders are specialised infantry, their role is to land before any major operational forces to secure landing sites, placing signal beacons to mark drop zones and once landing has begun provides tactical intelligence and offensive action roles for the operation. The Pathfinders consist of a single Battalion level unit organised into 32 Commando Brigade
SRG (Special Reconnaissance Group):<br>
The unit specialises in many roles including counter-terrorism, hostage rescue, direct action, and covert reconnaissance. Much of the information about the SRG is highly classified, and the unit is not commented on by either the Assembly or the Admiralty due to the secrecy and sensitivity of its operations.
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The table below details how units within the Commonwealth Marine Corps are structured, although there can be considerable variation between individual units:
{| class="wikitable"
Line 369 ⟶ 329:
! Contains
| 3 brigades
|36 battalions
|2 battalions
|5 companies
Line 421 ⟶ 381:
==Ranks, rates, and insignia==
The Commonwealth Navy ranks, rates and insignia form part of the uniform of the Commonwealth Navy.
[[File:Commonwealth Ranks.png|thumb|center
Rank insignia is worn in a prominent place that allows for quick identification. In addition to their rank insignia, Enlisted personnel in the Commonwealth Navy include trade badges on the right sleeve to indicate the wearer's specific job. Trade badges include stars below the branch logo, indicating an individual's qualification within their branch. Leading rates show one star while petty officers show two etc.
==Customs and traditions==
===Unit Badges===
Ships, Squadrons, and Regiments all receive unique badges to distinguish them from each other. The Design of which often comes from the unit itself, with vetting from the Admiralty, and is based on past deeds, and often alludes to the unit's nickname.