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The Line Fleets- Red Fleet, Blue Fleet, and White Fleet are each commanded by an officer of a flag rank usually of Vice-Admiral or Admiral rank. Historically the Line Fleets have operated in different regions or been assigned a specialized task.
Red Fleet is also known as the Home fleet, it operates almost exclusively within the [[Asta]] system and usually within the inner system around [[Idarast]] and the Baldr belt. The Fleet is made up of some of the largest and most powerful warships in the Commonwealth Navy. It's currently commanded by Admiral AdilClaudia MeirLang from their flagship the battleship CNV Aetharch, though it also maintains a headquarters at Uriele Anchorage.
Blue Fleet is also sometimes known as the Expeditionary fleet, it has historically been the fleet used to support operations in hostile foreign space, though recently it's become the fleet assigned to defend the Commonwealth’s burgeoning colonial possessions within the Aether Reach. It is currently Commanded by Admiral ClaudiaDavid LangWarner from their flagship, the fleet carrier CNV Victory, once completed the fleet is expected to also maintain a headquarters at Point Astynar.
White Fleet is also known as the trade fleet, it has historically been assigned to protect the expansive trade routes frequented by Commonwealth traders. Recently it has also been assigned the patrol areas around the gates and Vale Belt in Asta, with the Blue Fleet being assigned to the colonies. Due to its assignment, the White fleet has a larger proportion of light vessels compared with the other fleets. It is currently commanded by Vice Admiral Yaakov Walsh from their flagship the Battlecruiser CNV Indefatigable.
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The Two flotillas- the Picket Flotilla and the survey flotilla, are vastly smaller than any of the Line Fleets. The Survey flotilla is currently commanded by Commodore Renae Auer and has its headquarters at The Aether Institute in the City-state of Montar. The Picket Flotilla is currently commanded by Rear Admiral Emidio Von Essen and headquartered at Admiralty house in Nyhavn. The Picket Flotilla is subordinate to Asta system Command which has authority over the naval stations and outposts in [[Asta]], it is commanded by Vice Admiral Farhan Garret and Headquartered at Uriele Anchorage.
These Fleets and Flotillas don’t normally operate as a single formation, instead, they are further split into task forces, squadrons and sometimes even operate as individual ships. Task Forces usually consist of a mixed force of capital ships and escorts and are assigned a specific mission. Squadrons consist of similar types of vessels, such as destroyers, cruisers, or frigates, and are usually how vessels are organised within a larger formation. The rank of the officer commanding a task force often depends on the size of the task force, but can usually range from Commodore to Vice-Admiral.
===Marine Corps===