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Tyrast has been occupied by the [[Commonwealth Navy]] since its inception, inheriting this role from its predecessor, the Joint System Fleet. Facilities on the surface are very basic, mostly made up by training facilities for low-g combat as well as simple space habitation. Small listening posts watch gate traffic and search for anyone entering the system from outside the gate. High powered communication relays on the surface allow fast communication with [[Idarast]], as well as allowing outer system naval forces to coordinate with the [[Asta#Uriele Anchorage|Uriele Anchorage]].
Commonwealth naval activity near the Vale belt is centred around Tyrast, dozens of satellites and small stations provide defences for the planet and serve as resupply bases for naval forces in the area. A picket force remains in orbit at all times, providing a quick reaction force to respond to any danger in the Vale belt or that has bypassed the FTL gate defence network.
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===Asteroid belts===
The Asteroid belts in Asta are known for their density and the richness of their mineral deposits, and have been the basis for a lot of Idari industry for centuries. It is theorised that the belts were once planets that’ve been destroyed by some unknown means, whether natural or not is unclear. Officially the belts are under Commonwealth control and protection, but due to the denseness of their asteroid fields pirates and criminal organisations have been able to establish numerous hidden bases, evading the [[Assembled Commonwealth#Commonwealth Navy|Commonwealth Navy]] with seeming ease.
The Asteroid belts are inhabited by groups of individuals known as Belters. The majority live in and around the Baldr belt though some smaller groups can be found in the Vale belt.
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One of the largest stations in the belt, built within and around the asteroid Kirs 229-A. The station is made up of a large docking ring connected to an extensive tunnel network within the asteroid. Kirs has over the years become an extremely busy port, with traders from the Commonwealth nearby planets and all across the belt coming to ply their wares. The port is technically independent, and tariffs that would otherwise be required at a Commonwealth port don’t apply here; however, the port authority must pay an annual tribute to the Commonwealth in order to retain their independence.
For years the Commonwealth suspected the port of harbouring pirates and smugglers, but all investigations on Kirs authorities resulted in no evidence being found, and there have even been cases of Kirs officials handing over outlaws to the [[Commonwealth navy]].
Recently Kirs officials sealed off parts of the station as a response to a not better defined “accident”. Local authorities have refused any offers of help from the Commonwealth but have still yet to unseal the sections of the station. It's unclear what warranted the undertaking of such dramatic measures, but rumours are beginning to circulate regarding what has happened in the station, ranging from a toxic gas leak to an infestation of mind controlling parasites.
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Recently intelligence reports have reported an increase in criminal elements on the station with several vessels in long term port being identified as pirate vessels. Commonwealth Naval intelligence has determined that the station is now under control of these unsavoury elements and providing logistical support to criminal enterprises within the Vale belt.
Despite this flagrant illegal activity its feared that any overt action could severely damage the station and cause immense damage to the Commonwealth economy and even limit [[Commonwealth Navy]] operations.
Most ships leaving or arriving in the system make a stop at Eger 3, it has become such a frequent stop that the station boasts a huge entertainment district. It is said that you can find everything on Eger 3, from drink and drugs to banned Cortex VR programs, every pleasure and desire can be catered for on Eger 3 even if it's illegal in most systems.
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=====Lohse 5=====
Lohse 5 is the most secretive facility in the Commonwealth, most citizens have only heard rumours about a Naval blacksite somewhere in Asta. Lohse 5 is under the command of the Special projects division of the [[Commonwealth navy]], it was built as a research base sometime after the Commonwealth was formed, it unified all the city states most dangerous research units.
The facilities research projects are a heavily guarded secret, ranging from research into genetically modified viruses, prototype weapons and perhaps most controversially research into the bleed. Research into the bleed at Lohse 5 goes further than the standard level of research carried out in the Commonwealth’s universities and other research institutions. Specifically Lohse 5 is interested in the use of the Bleed in an offensive capacity and also how to counter the Bleed. The site has been authorised to take whatever means necessary to carry out its research
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====Lagrange Yards====
The Lagrange yards are a series of shipyard complexes both civilian and military in orbit at one of Idarast’s inner lagrange points. The civilian complexes are all privately owned, the majority being guild owned. These civilian complexes focus on building commercial and civilian vessels, mostly freighters and liners, with smaller vessels produced on [[Idarast]]. However these civilian complexes are sometimes procured to produce naval vessels for the [[Commonwealth Navy]]. Occasionally, particularly for large military vessels, multiple complexes are used to produce sections of a vessel which is then fully assembled at one of the military yards.
A small number of military yards known as the Vulcan slipways are maintained by the Commonwealth navy as part of the Lagrange yards. The Vulcan slipways are reserved for larger projects and are where some of the finest vessels in the Commonwealth navy have been produced. It is also where the Commonwealth Naval research department is housed, and where many commonwealth prototypes are designed and built.
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Asta’s FTL Gates are the main reason for the Assembled Commonwealth's hugely successful trading and commerce sectors. The Gates provide extremely fast interstellar travel, and enable even vessels without FTL drives to travel vast distances.
Over the years the vast increase in traffic has led to large queues, and necessitated a complex series of traffic control stations. Gate control in Asta is entirely under the purview of the Assembled Commonwealth and is a joint operation between the [[Commonwealth Navy]] and the ACRC (Assembled Commonwealth Revenue and Customs).
A small tariff is placed on any ship using the gates to depart Asta, resulting in a significant sum collected by the Commonwealth. The tariff has been the cause of several minor diplomatic incidents over the years when even foreign dignitaries have been forced to pay the tariff.
The area around the gates boasts an extensive series of defence stations, the first built only months after the Battle of the Gates in 152 (PA) (220). Very few Commonwealth naval vessels are stationed at the Gates, instead Commonwealth doctrine states that if an enemy fleet bypasses the network the [[Commonwealth navy]] will coalesce at Tyrast to repel the enemy. This allows the fleet to maintain a highly variable course, preventing any enemy to predict their exact positions when entering Asta.